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Everything posted by PC100

  1. PC100

    Sick Discus

    I have 2 discus and they are quite sick. Not eating, one is bloated in tummy. I have them in my hospital tank. Been medicating them with Metronodizole as they have white slimy poo. Now they are swimming vertically (head upwards) and have what looks like tail & fin rot. Have also treated with Furan 2. Also been deworming with Prazi. I've been changing water every other day. Water is at 30-31C. Any help will be appreciated.
  2. PC100


    Hi, Where can I get Metro in Auckland to treat my discus with white faeces? Stopped eating, shying away and BLACK.
  3. The reef was unbelievable.. water clear as swimming pools even from decks of boats. Fish are friendly and butterflies in abundance. I snorkelled off the resort's jetty and saw all sorts including a moray eel, picassos, lemonpeels, clams, etc. We also played with the stingrays and had our backs massaged by them (they were tamed but live in the wild).
  4. PC100


    I have the Arcadia 3 Series 3x 250 and I have used all sorts... Hamilton, BLV, Coralvue, Arcadia, Aquaconnect. I have no problems whatsoever with any except the Arcadias are too yellowish for my liking (14000 k).
  5. PC100

    Flat worms.

    Don't know where you heard it from Pies but I've never used Flatworm Exit and had no fish losses. :-?
  6. Just a few pics to share of my visit to Aquarama 2005. More here..... http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8019.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8020.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8017.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8021.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8022.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8023.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8024.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8026.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8029.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8040.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8041.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8045.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8046.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8047.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8051.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8056.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/p ... CN8066.jpg
  7. PC100

    New nano

    The dimension is 870 x 400 x 400 (34" x 16" x 16"). Yeah, I know Steve.... everything have grown bigger somewhat ... big screen TVs, cars and now NANOS!!! Its not my nano but what used to be my propogation tank in the garage. I just put the contents in a brand new setup.
  8. PC100

    New nano

    Yeah, I know about the B Tang He / she'll be in my 6-footer when the time comes i.e. gets too big.
  9. PC100

    New nano

    Sorry about that guys. What 's caused it and what does Imageshack do to get it to come right, Breakaway?
  10. PC100

    New nano

    My new nano Return pump 1060 on SQWD Berlin skimmer on 1262 4 Fluoros on Icecap 660 Teak cabinet
  11. PC100

    My tank pics

    More here http://community.webshots.com/album/117449782yagFjr?596
  12. I've been keeping quite all this time but I think you are really becoming a pain. "yeah, but i gaurantee chong chow's reserve price will be over $2k based on his other auctions..." If you are so sure and able to guarantee on this, why don't you prove it? Otherwise, stay out of other people's affairs. You just want to buy other people's stuff at your price and if you can't get it, you throw a tantrum and this is what you are doing now.I have no problems selling stuff to others. Ask Steve or Alois. And by the way, if you think you can do better, why don't you stop bidding for my stuff at Trade Me? You can't afford my "high" reserves. Oh, based on YOUR auctions, why are there not a single bid on your 4 items?? Mmmm. let me see, "Beautiful Large Coffee Table - REDUCED!!! for $700?!!. Yeah, right.
  13. Steve, Please put me down for a 200L. Let me know when to pick it up. Thanks.
  14. How much for the barrels, Steve? The 100 & 200L?
  15. PC100

    One has to go!

    How big are they? I have one that is about 35mm in my FO tank and one about 60mm in my quarantine tank. The big one is far too aggresive towards the little guy. I'll like take one if that's ok and hope that it'll pair up with my little guy.
  16. PC100


    Steve, No, I wouldn't say that I have a "commercial interest" in the Sale. True that I am an employee of Jansens but the sale does not benefit me personally, nor my pockets. Put it this way... say that a restaurant in town decides to run a "special" and takes 20% of the bill over a weekend. Would you say that the chef has a "commercial interest" if he/she tells his/her mates that there is a "special" at the restaurant? Not unless the chef receives a commission from it... and I don't. I am merely trying to inform members of this board that they may find a bargain in the duration of this Sale. And I am sorry that I posted it in the wrong section.
  17. PC100


    Sorry Caryl, I just thought members would benefit from the post about the sale here. Steve. Let's be fair about this. I don't think 20% of livestock is "still makes it 20% dearer than most shops"
  18. PC100


    Please see Commercial Trade & Exchange for details
  19. PC100

    My tank pics

    Thanks for the kind words. Tank is 1820 X 850 x 850. I have 3 MH 250W 10000K and 2 Actinic Blues on IceCap 660. Skimmer is ETSS Gemini powered by Iwaki pump. Korallin CA reactor. Refugium with the light on reverse cycle. Water movement within the tank is by 2 Eheim 1060s, 1 hooked to SQWD. Fish = Purple Tang, Powder Blue, 2 Yellow Tangs, 1 Clown Tang, 2 Skunk Clowns, 2 Pers, 1 Bicolour Dottyback, 1 Mandarin, 1 Banggai Cardinal, 1 Clown Goby, 1 Blue Damsel, 2 Chromises.
  20. PC100

    Pic test

    Thanks for the tip, Iduncan.
  21. PC100

    Pic test

  22. PC100

    My tank pics

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