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Posts posted by fishbreeder

  1. Hello, i want to redecorate my short finned eel tank. I want to give her/him a rocky backdrop with hide holes and maybe some land with ponds/little streams/water fall, and some plants.

    i just got it back and all i have for it is a log, some substrate and water. and i dont think thats very nice considering my tropicals have a cool tank.

    can i use silica sand in my eel tank? i want something nicer than just plain gravel.

    if anyone can help it would be awesome

  2. poor thing .

    When I see how much my bettas enjoy their tank and swim around the plants investigating everything , it makes me sad seeing the petshop bettas sitting at the bottom of little cubicles motionless and looking dejected.

    it was an experiment and he is so much bigger and healthier than his siblings. i havent done that to all them, just wanted to see if he would grow faster

  3. i have young males in jars in our hotwater cupboard. brought out at night to feed. we experimented with one male , when they were 6 weeks old we took one out, not the largest. put it in one of those small baby food jars u get (this was an experiment remember) and feed it up. he had hardly any water and is now got nice flowing fins, nice and bright for being in the dark most of the time. and is at least 3 times the size of the rest who have been in lots of water. interesting experment we thought.

  4. no, he is all by himself. as said he is a Veiltail betta, its his rear fin that has missing part and its not like hes eaten from end up the whole thing, its the back half of the fin that has half missing. i hope that makes sense.

    if you think about a VT blowing its tail out and it being cut in half longways, its the back half that is half as long as the rest of the fin. looks strange, there are a few long spike hanging off it and a couple of bits of fin on the bottom of tank.

    he is still swimming well.

  5. as subject says, my VT male has eaten half his tail, he had a lovely lovely long tail so long and flowing, we had to go to town for 2 nights and came home to find that he has eaten half of his pretty tail. why? how can i tell if it is fin rot or him eating it,? none of my numerous other betta males have eaten their tails.

    please help me, how do i help him get "well" and grow it back?

  6. 11 week old fighter are blowing nests already!!!!!

    im talking about the one that we experimented with he is huge and blowing nests

    as is some of the little 11 week olds that i removed to try and catch them up, they are now as big as the rest of the smaller 11 week old batch. there is tiny nests in the container they are in. freaky.

  7. what a nice looking tank and fish. he looks happy, they only build nests when happy (or so im told). and i doubt that much scum would build up over night. be careful with filter current, sometimes the boys dont like strong currents.

    if you do breed, be careful you will fall in love with at least half ur fry and not want them to go away. (thats what has happened to me )

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