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  1. HI again.. the other prob we have also just discovered is our dwarf blue gourami - one of our original fish and been perfectly fine till now... around his head area hes almost turning a metallic blue colur and hes been hiding up i the top and darkest area of the tank. Hes started swimming around a bit more now but his tummy looks quite fat and his scales are sticking out off his body a little and arent lying flat..hes also looking like hes having a bit of trouble getting air... i know hes got "something" but not sure with what exactly to treat him with now... we have Melafix, some white spot cure stuff and some formalin... do we need to take him out of the tank or can we treat him while hes still in there? reading a book it sounds like all sorts of things so im going to turn to the experts and see if you guys hve any ideas please
  2. Hi... its been awhile since we have been on the site,.. the tank has been going really well and settled down nicely after initial few dramas!! I have an odd question now though We have a baby micky mouse platy that is about a month or so old.. and has been doing really well...looked in the tank yesterday and horrors .. he looks like hes got a broken back or something as now hes kind s shaped looking down on him... hes just now sitting on the bottom of the tank with his tail out flat and his body upright (if that makes sense)... any ideas what to do.. how this could have happened?? i dont know wether to out him out of his misery or if it is even fixable!! HELP
  3. Hi Caryl.. he was one of our original fish and is fit and well.. until his mate died last week.. he still eats and swims around but just seems for lack of better word "sad".. all other fish are active etc we have a 3 foot tank, not sure on levels of nitrates etc...temp sitting around 26 and he is in with mainly tetras, platys, plec, catfish and a couple of dwarf gouramis..
  4. dreamchaser


    thanks for all of your welcomes!.. My partner was on the site earlier and has asked a few more questions we have so hopefully we should get some help on a few things... we think we had a pair of Aphyosemion scheeli that we got from our LFS.. unfortunately the male killy has since died so we are in the hunt for a new one.. we cant get one until the new year from our store....
  5. we have had our albino catfish lay eggs twice now in our breeding tank ,, it was a bit of a shock as we put them in ther to clean up aftrer our young platy fry!! but they have feasted on the eggs twice now,, they have laid them both on the glass and the heater... is there any way of trying to save themm.. the first time we took the catfish back out of the tank and into the main one but after the 2nd day the eggs were looking "furry' probably the tank getting too dirty for eggs?? any suggestions on what to do for next time?? : :-?
  6. We had a pair of sailfin mollies and unfortunatley we recently lost our female.. now my boy sits around the bottom of the tank a lot and i dunno.. just looks sad.. is this right or will he perk up when we can get another female for him????l
  7. dreamchaser


    Hi there my partner and I are fairly new to the fishy side of life. I brought a 3 foot tank for her birthday in August and we are slowley increasing our numbers. We have got some Tetra's, Catfish, Sailfin Mollies, Platties, Killy fish, and a plec. We are looking at getting into the breeding side of things mainly to cover the cost of food and the excitment of having babies that dont cost a fortune and you dont have to look after them till they are 18...... We are in Christchurch. P.S the cat loves the new Plasma Screen TV... she sits in front of the tank most of the day. Looking forward to making some new friends with common interests.
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