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Everything posted by Sauske

  1. Sauske


    The size of my Tank is 180ltrs. I have living plants in them which I don't know the names of. Here is a list of fish I have at the moment: 2x Common plec - about 3 - 4cm long. 2x Kissing gourami - 5cm long 5x Neon tetra 2x Coolie Loach - about 6cm long 2x YoYo loach (I Think they are)? - about 5 -6cm long I will be getting some new fish in the up and coming weeks. I also want to make a Native freshwater Tank this summer.
  2. Sauske


    Hi, everybody. I am new to Fish Keeping. I live in Hamilton and look forward to get in on some great discussions.
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