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Everything posted by karynjoy

  1. I might see if there are any for sale on here and get everything moving again. Can someone direct me to the sale thread please?
  2. I tried that but it didn't want to move the water through far enough really frustrating.It kept making bubbling noises in the canister .
  3. Ok I have a really big tank at home doing nothing at the moment because I can't figure out how to get the canister pump to prime ... Any hints there as well. There is one very hardy and lonely guppy in there and some plants!
  4. I just bought a tank off trade me with a yellow fish and a brown fish with orange eyes. The lady didn't know what they were but said that she had bought the fish from a pet shop for around $20. The yellow one also has orange eyes and silver spots. I'll try and put the auction number on here to see if anyone can tell. I am also wondering if I could put anything else in here as well and what plants I could grow? The number is 440343629 I tried googling but just got horribly confused
  5. I have lots of mozzarella larvae here! What kind of fish eat them please?
  6. Well, the tadpoles are finally turning into frogs...thank goodness. They were in the school pool ( in case anyone was wondering.) I put a call out and some have gone to a wetland in Matamata, lots of kids have taken them home and put them in the troughs, the cub scouts have been on an evening fishing expedition and have rehomed a few more, and today there was a beautiful grey heron perched on the side...the kids at school have adopted them and spend lunchtime gazing through the fence at the frogs and tadpoles...they may be an overseas species but they certainly have brought our kids a whole lot of pleasure :-) (The pool has got about a month before they need to start getting it up and running again so a few more may hop away by then.)
  7. Thanks for that. Quite frankly...(my warped sense of humour aside!!!!) I'm quite relieved to see them, as there hasn't been many frogs/tadpoles about for the last few years... I had thought that it was because there was a lot of spraying going on in the area...but maybe there is some climatical reason... However, there seems to be a lot around this year...Thanks to this weird algae bloom we have perhaps? but Thank goodness!!!. The more we can get frogs spread about the better (IMHO ) In my belief they are the canaries of the terrestrial environment...what do you think?
  8. I have been watching a large group of tadpoles getting bigger and bigger over the last few months. Their bodies are now about an inch in diameter. They are huge!! The only trouble is that they don't seem to be growing legs...plus the pond where they live is going to have something rather nasty done to it in the next few weeks. Does anyone know what conditions make the tadpoles turn into frogs please? Also is there anyone out there that would like some to put into a pond?
  9. karynjoy

    Chocolate australe

    Hi i've just got some killies. What is a mop please?
  10. Oh ok then maybe I'll keep my eyes open for one of those on TM then, Thanks for that
  11. Hmm, Thanks, i did try an air pump but they were so loud with the aucoustics in this house that they drowned out the TV and the hubby started to get a little bit tetchy. I thought that this might have been a solution. Maybe not? Someone recommended eheim pumps as being quiet, I'm a bit worried that i might get one and it might still be to noisy.. what to do!!??!!
  12. No it's not. I thought it was just something that you could put on the end of any pipe with water flow. (i put a WTB add up-do think i should remove it again?
  13. sheesh that figures LOL Do you know if it's possible to get them separately or do they come with the filters.
  14. Thanks but no its a little plastic fitting that fits on the end of the pipe with another pipe that goes out of the tank and draws air in like a venturi effect with the flow of the water. Where you would normally have a spray bar.
  15. Hi can some one please help me with what the bubbler things are called that you can put onto your filter outlet pipe. (They draw air in with the flow of water with a small peice of tubing.)
  16. I have 1 solitary baby something. I presume it is a guppy!! It's bigger than i thought it would be!!
  17. Um yep it was a poop, it was small when I didn't realise what it was!!! I did think at that stage it was some little tube thing I was supposed to be looking for. I have got some java fern in the bottom now, will that do the trick for babies to hide in? ...and big pebbles in different parts of the tank.
  18. I got some guppies of TM that arrived a couple of days ago. I've been on the internet doing a search on which is a female and which is a male. (I think I've figured which is which, and I think that some of the females are pregnant) Took a while, i thought I was looking at one of the males extra fin thingies underneath , and then it dropped off.. Hmmm!!! My question is ..they all look so different, do guppies breed with other fish? One has a clear tail with a yellow spike at the bottom kind of like a sword tail but not as long. I've looked at a heap of pictures but havn't seen anything that looks like it on the guppy websites.
  19. Hi, no he swam inside the pipe. I had no idea that they would do that!
  20. Cool thanks for that, I wonder if they post fish!!!
  21. I feel terrible!! My male siamese fighter is dead!! When I was setting uop the filter the other day I tried to put a spray bar on the outlet pipe which fell off and went to the back at the bottom behind some driftwood. I forgot all about it. Until today when I couldn't figure out where the fish was. I poked around and saw the pipe just now and there it was stuck!! Poor fish
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