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Posts posted by crazyzoo

  1. If you start using the pH down you will need to add every day....if you are worried about introducing the fish then add some of your water from the tank into the fish bag over a period of 30 minutes or so while you are acclimatising the fish to the tank temp. When starting up a new tank the pH is the least of your worries. Also pH in a tank changes naturally throughout the day when fish are in it anyway, due to organic waste, oxygen levels, photosynthesis from the plants etc. Also driftwood/bogwood will naturally lower your pH over time too.

  2. I change 25% of my water every week in my 250litre tank. 20% every week with my 600 litre tank.....I do run quite big filters though. I test my water every month as it always remains pretty consistent. My son only changes 25% every 2 weeks in his 60 litre tank....and he never has any fish losses. You do have quite alot of fish in your tank though.

  3. My wee loach is still alive :) His tank smells like a strong smelling garlic bread! I'm giving him 3 small feeds a day and he is eating, and swimming around more today. I gave the other fish another small feed of garlic today too....think I might keep this regime up for a week and see how it goes.

  4. I used crushed garlic to make it easy to eat.

    I read about the TB also, but trying to get hold of TB drugs could be very difficult....and it is usually a cocktail including Rifampin.

    Hopefully it is just worms....but time will tell. For good measure I gave all the fish crushed garlic today....and they all gobbled it down. it should not do any harm, because it really is no different from any other vege that I feed them.

  5. Ok I have caught him. Done a bit more research and apparently you can use garlic to fend off alot of worms/parasites.....so my poor loach has just become an experiment (I don't mean that in an awful way). If I got the dosage wrong for the dewormer I would just kill him....anyway have dropped some garlic into his tank....and he is eating it! Will try this for a few days with his normal food and see how it goes :-?

  6. If you search for skinny/wasting disease in loaches there are heaps of forums / sites about it.

    I first noticed it last night so thought I would check that the loach is eating....seems to be in small amounts, I was worried about the other fish snatching up all the food, but I always have cucmber in the tank for the fish to nibble on so the loach is not skinny because it is starving to death.

    I looked up the worms/parasites too, but there are photo's of this wasting disease and it looks exactly like my loach....I don't really want to treat until I have a definite diagnosis as loaches don't take kindly to meds anyway.

  7. I have a fairly new loach (about 3 weeks) who is very skinny with a sucked in appearance. According to some web sites it is a wasting/skinny disease that can be treated with Erythromycin. Before I hassle my vet tomorrow has anyone else come across this disease and had success treating it?

  8. Yeah was on TM. Got for $10. Had to complete the inside conversion, but did not take long. Cost me another $18 for the stones and a couple of goldfish....my husband could not complain at the cost at least....and it is so theraputic sitting on my work desk, and fits the part :D

    ps. I'm definitely a PC fan, not a MAC fan....but it makes a great tank!

  9. I just bought something a bit different today....an old Imac that has been converted to a small aquarium....so cute....put some blue stones in it and a couple of cute goldfish, and it is sitting on my work desk....so when work becomes a bit boring I can watch the fish....no doubt the fish will grow out of it, but I'm sure someone will swap some bubbas for bigger ones later on :bounce:

  10. All sorted....someone who worked at Animates was unusually helpful! She suggested I put a bottle brush into the valve to clean out algae round the internal bearings (not that you could see it), but it actually worked...yeh haaa....more money to spend on fish, not appliances :bounce:

  11. If you go to Mastertrade or Cory's they have all sorts of Fluoro fittings (used for garages and stuff) so they might fall into your budget, also have a look at Mega Mitre10 or Supercheap Auto. These aren't going to have your special plant growing bulbs but meet your interim requirements :D

  12. I will definitely be getting another one....today! My tanks need a water change and I'm not swallowing the fish waste :x As for pumping up and down...once you have it figured it only takes a couple of very quick movements to get started....it doesn't bother my fish at all :D

  13. I have one of those big Aquaone syphon/vacuum things but tried to use it today and it sounded like it was sucking in air, but no water......I noticed it has a little valve in it which I moved manually to the open and close position to try to get the thing to suck but still didn't work. Do these things just give up the ghost after a while or can it be fixed? Its had about a years use on 3 tanks.

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