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Everything posted by grubster

  1. so how do i make him eat peas??? have put some right under his mouth and he wont eat them, also have added some salt that seemed to make no difference hmmmmmm he so looks like hes gona POP!!!
  2. try these links http://i381.photobucket.com/albums/oo25 ... G_0820.jpg http://i381.photobucket.com/albums/oo25 ... G_0838.jpg
  3. Hi all, We have a problem with our gold spot plec ( BOB ), about a week ago he got a bloated stomach like he had an excess of wind. I contacted 2 LFS and they both diagnosed over the phone differently. one said dropsie and the other said it was constipated. we have been trying to get him to eat peas as apperanly that will help with constipation. Today i noticed he has developed blister like air pockets under his skin, and its stretched the sin that much that they are transperant bubbles. Is Bob going to pop???? attached is 2 photos the first is the bloated stomach and the second is of the blisters. Thanks in advance, troy ps how do i post photos on here
  4. just a pic of the tank at night thought it looked cool http://i381.photobucket.com/albums/oo25 ... G_0041.jpg
  5. rito, many thanks for all the advice just done a 25% water change, straight from the tap althought i put my spare thermometer in the buckets and kept the temp the same as the tank 27dgrees, i didnt put any coat in lol. when should i test next, water has no ammonia straight from the tap my ph is around 6.5 is tht a little low???
  6. so am i doing water changes rite??? is it a bit random that the other fish can handle the jandal???? i know its hard work lol, just cant see the light at the end of the ammonia tunnel can our stones have anything to do with it have had a couple of comments tht i should change tht
  7. whats the best way to prepare water for a water change, i have no idea wat the water is like here in christchurch. i have a 100l container i got from the warehouse i full it up and add the required amount of stress coat, i have a heater i then put in it which keeps it at the same temp as the tank, i then leave for a day b4 doing a water change. a freind of mine thought i might be killing the god bugs off by not preping my water change water properly. could that b why its taking the tank so long to cycle surely 4 months is a long time for a tank to cycle through.
  8. hmmmmmmmm everytime i do a water change the ammonia jumps to 2.0ppm, its been about that for the last month i cant seem to get it to come down starting to get to my wits end with this tank
  9. Hi. help me please, we set up a 180litre tank about 4 months ago, and have semi stocked it. have had a few issues with ammonia levels which has something to do with the cycling i think. i got home tonight to find our algae eater sunk at the bottom of one of our ornaments, i checked the ammonia and it is the lowest at 1.0 that we have had in the last month. this is the 3rd algae eater we have lost in as many months. havnt had any other deaths apart from a couple of neons, but from what i hear it doesnt take much for these to go belly up. we are lost as to why we cant keep algae eaters alive!!!! could it be our substrate, (we have fruit salad) or are our other fish killing them. we have the following fish, 4 rummy nose tetra, 6 neon tetra, 1 goldspot plec, 1 algae eater, NOW BELLY UP! 1 Julli catfish, 1 silver shark, 2 dwarf gourami, 2 khulli loaches heres a link to a pic of our tank http://i381.photobucket.com/albums/oo25 ... G_0019.jpg thanks in advance Grubster
  10. grubster

    Hey All

    our tank is about 180litres. i think theres a photo at the link below http://i381.photobucket.com/albums/oo25 ... G_0019.jpg these are the fish we have at present 4 rummy nose tetra, 6 neon tetra, 1 goldspot plec, 1 alge eater, 1 Julli catfish, 1 Whiptail catfish, 1 silver shark, 2 dwarf gourami, 2 khulli loaches
  11. grubster

    Hey All

    Hi all, Just a Quick hi b4 i start askin lots of questions, My name is Troy, Im from Christchurch and i just got my first tank bout 4 months ago, its semi stocked with fresh water tropicals. will post a couple of photos when i figure out how and where. cheers, Grubster
  12. hi i im a newb to tropicals, have a 200l tank setup 6 months ago. I recently brought a w/tail cat from a lfs, i introduced to my tank and 2 days later it was dead. all water levels are fine, i contacted the store and they told me the kulli loaches had killed it, has anyone had an experience like this, from my research the loaches and cat are fine in the same tank
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