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    Wellington, NZ

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  1. Yup that was me!! im not too worried about it as i am cycling with them, oh and the oddball still has no stripe ive had no more fatalities, so fingers crossed :bounce: also, just checked the tank and the ammonia level was about .125 and same for the nitrite, which is ok yea?? Cant wait till i can have more fishies!!
  2. i woke up this morning and he had made his way to fishy heaven didnt get to the lfs to get the test kits, every one else seems to be ok and seem to be pretty active and normal, but have just done another 30l change to be safe. ive got the temp at a steady 26 which was a stab in the dark and its working - your right about the heaters! its set to 28.5 deg to keep it good fingers crossed they stay happy chappys!!
  3. cool, i will hopefully get to the lfs tomorrow and get the other 2 test kits (are some beter than others?), and some more conditioner so i can do (and keep doing) a decent water change as for my first casualty am i better send him to the fishy gods, or is it worth keeping him floating round (ive changed the water and will do again in the morning) in his gladware house in the hope he'll get better :-? also whats the deal with airation?? i dont have any plants yet nor an air pump, so have put the outlet a little above the surface so its puts some bubbles in there but the constant "Wee" noise is annoying the flatties
  4. Hey - Ill start off by introducing my self - I've just started my foray into fishkeeping. Ive got a 3ft tank, aqua one cf 1200, 300w aqua one heater not much of a lighting system yet (currently being built). have read into and kind of understand the idea of cycling. SOoo im 4 days into my tank, have 6 black tetras and 8 glowlights (they were the cheapest and i like them more than guppys) in the tank starting up the cycle, ive tested PH (7.2) and Nitrate is not really showing (.25 maybe) dont have any other test kits yet. I got home for lunch and one of the black tetras had half burried itself in the subtrate and wasnt looking too flash, got him out and he kept floating to the top of the tank butt first, and swimming straight down / in a circle and then got sucked against the filter so i put him in a floating container incase he gave the other guys anything!! Ive just done a 20l water change as i had naf all dechlorinator left (dont ask) all the other fish look happy as larry. Ive hopefully attatched a photo of the sickky to see if anyone can help - hes still swimming round a bit so dont really want to pass him through the big white ceramic gate yet. Also have a querie about water changes - to keep the temp a bit more stable is hot tap water, or boiled water poured into the bucket of cold a better idea??
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