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Posts posted by Whiskeysgirl

  1. Thanks for the advice, fishie now in it's own approx 30 ltr tank, fresh water and tonic salts, good filter too. Still on it's side at times, but trying to be upright. Will do daily water changes. Thanks to all, any further advice will be much appreciated.

  2. Hi,

    1. tank is AR 980, so approx 215ltrs

    2. tank was set up for at least 3months with tetras before angels were added, we had the angels in smaller tanks before that, just cant remember how long for, have had no issues with the angels or other fish before now, 980 has been set up for 7 months approx

    3. last water change 2 weeks ago, approx 40-50 ltrs

  3. Hi all, we have an unknown age, female angel fish that seems lethargic and 'unable' to swim as usual, sitting on the bottom of the tank or leaning against sides/decorations. Colour looks fine (silver and black striped), has been eating, well was last night, no sign of fungus or growth of any sort on fish body or fins.....am at a loss of what to try next, watertests to follow.... Any ideas??? Please????

  4. Ok, checking tanks for Ph, Nitrites, ammonia... one tank that had the most recent water change has Ph of around 7, all good with that, other tests fine. Problem is that the other 4 tanks are showing Ph of 6, is this most likely because they are due for water changes or could there be a more sinister cause for such a drop between the tanks??? 3 of the four are 30, 45 and 60 litre tanks, with only 3 or 4 fish currently in residence in each, 4th is 165 ltr comm tank, reasonably well stocked but not over stocked,all tanks are lightly planted, one has driftwood for it's resident Plec. Will do water changes tomorrow anyway and re-test on sunday, just looking for opinions as to cause really, or am i just being a noob???? Anything else i should be looking at or doing??? not wanting to mess around with chemicals, just want stable Ph with happy fish. Thanks in advance :)

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