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    fish,beerz,my dog

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  1. im looking at geting one of these for my 840L http://www.pondone.petmart.co.nz/cart_product23194-1-3131.html?Title=POND%20ONE%20CLARITEC%203000%20PRESSURISED%20FILTER
  2. that would be kool,yah my girl friend got me the plant last year for valentines :slfg: so i thort i'd try track 1 down for her one for me then i can take cuttings and have them all over the house :happy2: thanks guys
  3. cheers bud that would be awesome :happy2:
  4. hi guys im after a house plant my partner got me last year in wellington from the supermarket :rotf: i had it for 8months but it died,and now im living in tauranga i am looking for another but am not having any luck finding it ive have called all the garden centers and they say the plant is hard to find ''as i know now'' so i was wondering if any one here has it that would sell me a cutting or two its the best looking house plant ive ever seen had. its a (Gynur aurantiaca AKA purple passion,velvet plant) http://www.houseplantsguru.com/purple-velvet-plant-gynura-aurantiaca thank guys
  5. thanks ryanjury ill have a look
  6. hi guys i got my 840ltr tank and cabnet the tank is 2400x700x700 the stand is made out of pine with steel frame hood is pine i dont know the weight of it all but was woundering if there was any way of telling if my wooden floor would hold the weight of it all as the land lord will not be impressed if it goes through the floor i will be moving to tauranga in three months so what type of house should i look for thanks in advance :thup:
  7. well the guppys are fine now i think :thup: would the person that pm'd me that wanted to take them off my handz could they pm me again lol as i have deleted my messages and cant remember who it was :dunno: but they lived in lower hutt cheers
  8. cheers guys il check out a fx5 :thup:
  9. ah tank,stand,hood are geting made by pete at port nicholson glass here in wellington i think he is making it out of 12mm but not 100%. yah i should of got it made wider but its to late to change as it has been already made :facepalm: do you guys think somthing like this wuold work http://www.pondmaster.co.nz/cart_product23194-1-3131.html?Title=POND%20ONE%20CLARITEC%203000%20PRESSURISED%20FILTER or should i get a sump made???
  10. hi guys this week im geting a new 840L tank and i was wondering how much filtration il need,i was thinking of making a large diy canister filter if i was to do that how much LPH pump would i need. the tank is 2400Lx700Hx500D stocking will be 1x oscar 2x green terrors 1x jack dempsey 1x jag (maybe 2 jags gotta see how they get on) cheers :spop:
  11. yah spammers they suck and i aint got my email back yet :tears: hope i get it back, but i have joined fishkeeper so im happy now
  12. ahhhhh that would be it spam i have just been blocked from my hotmail account it says someone has been mass spaming from it OMG it wasnt me :an!gry :an!gry so when i get my email account back ill join again with a new user name thank you guys so much for your help diggin a hole for the spammers :digH:
  13. yah its strange could be a bug or something :dunno:
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