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Everything posted by nztrudy

  1. Thanks for that, but to late she died.
  2. Hi,i have a problem with one of my blue platys, she has these red bubble things hanging out of her. if some one can tell me how to post a picture up, so someone can tell me whats wrong with her.
  3. Thanks for that, will try the clown loaches.
  4. Ok, once again my angel fish have layed eggs, the last 2 times i thought the parents had eaten them so this time i moved the eggs to another tank, (which had no fish in it) when i checked on them this morning they were gone, my dumb question is "do snails eat the eggs?" it is the only thing in the tank and i do have a bit of a problem with them.
  5. Thanks all, read your page on angels Pegasus, very helpful.
  6. Well i turned that tank upside down and still no eggs to be found , Maybe better luck next time
  7. i better go and have another look, thanks
  8. They have breed before, i got these Angels of cat as well as the babies.
  9. Well i come home tonight to find my pair of angels are swimming around and not looking after there eggs, so up i get to take a look and they have eaten all the eggs , what have i done wrong?, and why did they eat them, any help here would be great
  10. I'm just soooooooooooooooooooo excited :lol: the Angel Fish i got off Cat, have just layed eggs, not on the nice piece of rock i put in there for them, but on the glass. Any way had to tell the world about :lol:
  11. Hey, congrats, so exciting, i have 2 males at the mo, must go and get a couple of females so i can have some babies 2 :lol:
  12. Thanks for all your help, 2 platties are still alive so what ever it was lets hope it has gone.
  13. Ok so far my two platties are still alive , just went on another fish site and found a guy/girl who was having the same sort of problems, and the feed back he/she got was (too many water changes and gravel vacs - you are depleteting your good bacteria by keeping the tank too clean) does this sound right? :roll:
  14. Ok this is what i have done & whats in the tank. Tank has been set up for about 8-9 months 100L ph 7, brought this test kit, Tetra test, NH3 / NH4 Total ammonia kit.(about a month ago). tested water yesterday and that is fine. I changed the water (50%, do this weekly to all my tanks) on the 16-10-03, about 2 fish had died by then, started putting Spotoff into tank, but fish still dying, there is no signs of anything all are eating well etc, Haven't got filter in this tank, fish are 6 months old and 3 months old. Plants are Java moss and have been in there from day 1. Nothing new has come into the tank. When i find the fish in the morning dead they are covered in white fungus all over body and are floating on top. I have a total of 18 tanks and all the rest are fine. The tiger barb is in a different tank. On the bright side still have 2 Plattys left none have died for 2 days
  15. Hey thanks heaps for helping , i'll try and get into chat, if i can get the kids off the computer
  16. eating good, feeding them flakes & white worms, poo's normal
  17. no nothing, they look fine
  18. This tank is 100L one, no new fishes added and only have plattys and 1 albino cat in there been dying for about a week now . Have done the nitrite, and that is fine. There was about 10 plattys and now i have 2
  19. Ok 2 problems here . First problem, my platty's are dying, can't see anything wrong with them but every morning 1 more has died, have done the ammonia test and thats fine, change some of the water. number 2 problem i had 2 tiger barbs and my sister inlaw gave me here one, chucked him in with the other 2 and the little s.........t has nipped all the fins off one of them and now has started on the other. I have removed the 2 that are damaged. now i think i had 2 females to start with and the new one i think is a male, any ideas of why this has happen and will i be able to put them togther again?
  20. nztrudy


    Cool, thanks for that
  21. nztrudy


    I haven't heard of any clubs in the Wairarapa area.
  22. nztrudy


    Tanks range from 25litres up to 165litres but most of them are around the 100 litre mark, husband has banded me from fish shops hehehe
  23. nztrudy


    We had one tank (well my son did), different species are in different tanks and still have a few emtpy tanks, as for the filters, still getting around to that, was just going to get those corner ones as i don't want to spend a huge amount on them. but i did the test thingy the other day and my water is all fine
  24. nztrudy


    Hi all, My name is Trudy, I’m from the Wairarapa, I got a fish shed off my cousin about 8 months ago, which at the moment has 18 tanks in it, (I’m sure I could find room for a couple more tanks). Don’t have many fish at the moment, but numbers are starting to grow. I have Guppy’s which are doing really well ,new lot of fry from them yesterday, a couple of swordtails, they aren’t doing much, 4 pink kissers (they need abit of encouragement )1 angel fish, 1 betta, 1 clown loach, 1 tiger barb, 1 neon, 2 albino cats (no eggs from them yet) 2 Glass blood fins, Plattys, and just got about 15 male and female blue platys , But are after a nice Blue Platty, (not liking the males I have got) . The shed is fully insulated with pink bats, lights over the tanks which are on a timer, and a heater that heats the room to 30 degrees which keeps the tank temp from 20 degrees to 30 degrees . I have no idea what I’m doing with these fish , but have found this site just great.
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