Hi all, My name is Trudy, I’m from the Wairarapa, I got a fish shed off my cousin about 8 months ago, which at the moment has 18 tanks in it, (I’m sure I could find room for a couple more tanks). Don’t have many fish at the moment, but numbers are starting to grow. I have Guppy’s which are doing really well ,new lot of fry from them yesterday, a couple of swordtails, they aren’t doing much, 4 pink kissers (they need abit of encouragement )1 angel fish, 1 betta, 1 clown loach, 1 tiger barb, 1 neon, 2 albino cats (no eggs from them yet) 2 Glass blood fins, Plattys, and just got about 15 male and female blue platys , But are after a nice Blue Platty, (not liking the males I have got) . The shed is fully insulated with pink bats, lights over the tanks which are on a timer, and a heater that heats the room to 30 degrees which keeps the tank temp from 20 degrees to 30 degrees . I have no idea what I’m doing with these fish , but have found this site just great.