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Posts posted by RochelleMay

  1. Hi all,

    I am not sure if any one has heard of Pompe Disease but it is a rare and often fatal disease which has no drug funding in New Zealand.

    My Mother in Law has this disease and so could my partner however it is unlikely unless his father was a carrier of it also. However at this moment as much as I love him I am not too concerned... his mother is the one who needs our help.

    She has been battling this for most of her life and finally after Doctors were able to diagnos her she came to the realisation that she can't get the medication she needs in New Zealand. But she has the oppourtunity to travel to US for 6 months to participate in a Clinical Trial.

    So we are doing some fundraising to helps towards this...

    Any paintings that you purchase of my website or even commision your own piece I will donate the procceds to the 2 New Zealanders who are going to be heading to the US.


    If you want a painting or know anyone who may like something personalised please let me know and do a good deed at the same time.

    http://nzpompenetwork.weebly.com/what-i ... sease.html



    Or if you would like to donate personally contact me and I can give you some details.

    Thanks. . .

  2. I have a water testing kit that I am going to use from home. So will use that regulary. I will try member my camera when Im next there. :)

    I can hopefully sneakly put one of my filters in it maybe but that wont be until I have more plants and ornament things to hide it. :) I do want it to be very planted so fingers crossed shell agree with letting the filter be hiden

  3. Thanks. It is big its not just a little bowl Ill try remember to take my camera to work to get a photo. :) It sits on the floor and If I wrap my arms around it I cant touch my fingers on the other side lol. If that gives you a better idea.

    With the sponge filter would I also need an air stone as well? Or would the sponge filter give off alot of bubbles?

  4. No filter cause of aesthic reasons - there are none that fit well with a spherical tank that I can find and $. Unless you have some ideas of cheap ones that we could use? the pet stores havent been too helpful with that they recommend, the waterfall type ones which would be cool but dont fit on the side of the tank.

    She is pretty set on Goldfish as it is going to be in our reception area but I will try show her the others and see what she thinks. The bowl will be filled about 1/2 - 3/4 of the height.

    Are fancy goldfish easy to care for then comets?

    I am planning to do daily water changes, it will be part of our closing down at the end of the day routine. So if doing daily water changes how much would we need to do?

    And what plants are best suited for Gold Fish?

    Thanks. I really do know it is not the best circumstances but she has it set in her mind what she wants so I just have to work with it. :)

  5. Yeah I understand the cruel thing but it is what my boss wants to do so I atleast need to make it is done in the best way possible for the situation.

    The bowl is rather large it is just under a meter from the ground to the rim and it is round like a ball only has 150mm ish Flat part on the bottom that stops it rolling. :P So it is pretty big.

    I know to do weekly water changes but if not using a filter would you suggest more often?

    Also what is a good pH for Goldfish?


  6. Hi Guys,

    I have never kept goldfish before apart from when I was little and they died all the time. So want to do this right.

    At work we have a possibly 80 - 100L Round Bowl that we want to put 3 smallish goldfish into. My boss is very into feng shui and either wants 3 or 8... 8 is too many, so has to be 3.

    We are hoping to do it without a filter, but with a bubble Blower (not sure the actual name but I hope you know what I mean) as I have a spare one.

    Will this be ok if we did regular water changes.

    What would be your recommendations. Really need some help with this.


  7. Dimensions of tank are approx 1.5m wide and .6 High ( up to water level) and .6 deep

    I have been replacing my fluros more often then every 12months. More like every 4 cause I got told they will still work but not be as effective after 4 - 6 months. And I do notice that once I put fresh ones in the plants look great but after a few months they do diminish.

    ??? :)

  8. Hi Guys,

    Just wondering if any one can tell me where to buy 25W 30" 25mm T8 Lights from that is a bit on the cheaper side than $35 - $45 that most retail stores are selling them for? I did have a lightstore guy supplying me but he is not in the business anymore.

    Also I was thinking about Metal Halides? Can you recommend these or give me any advice as I am seriously considering chaging to these. The Tank I am going to possibly put the halides on is 60cm Deep and has a bit of bottom level plants which with the flourescents don't grow so well.

    Any advice and personal exeriences are greatly appreciated...


  9. Thanks Guys.

    I dont have a spare cage to put next to each other so I have just been slowly putting them near each other for the past hour as they are both really tame and fine to handle so I take one out and have one in so they can smell each other and I have just put them together now.

    The original boy is a little bit nipy but hopefully that passes. With the new one Im not sure if he is male or female as lovebirds need to be dna tested however the lady thinks she is a female. Even if its a male they should still get on fine :)

  10. Hi Guys,

    Not sure if any of you know about this but I have a problem...

    One of my love birds passed away last night unexpectedly. And Now I have one lovebird that is sulking in his cage and chirping but theres no one to chirp back he is all fluffed up and depressed.

    I know with lovebirds they find a "soulmate" but now Im not sure what to do...

    Do I get him another friend straight away?

    Do I have to do anything special when introducing this new lovebird?

    Is there anywhere that sells just one indivdual lovebird (pet shops sell them in pairs) The ones i know of any ways.

    Its heartbreaking seeing him all sad by himself they were so good together.

    Sorry I know its nothing to do with fish but the pet stores that I have spoken to know nothing so I thought there maybe someone on here who knows a little.

    And I also know a couple of you have birds - although I think much bigger than lovebirds :P


  11. It would be great to see how to make one. My dad has a sink pump thing off trade me and loves it but I am still using buckets doing daily water changes sometimes every 2nd day but mostly daily and I just fill one up as im putting one on the tank so I dont have to stop. Man its a pain but gets the job done :)

  12. I use a an eftpos or credit type card for that. Preferable fly buys or one card or maybe an expired credit card as the card wears down over time. But it works super :). I have one of those magnetic things to and would agree its crap Although I find it really useful to hold tupperware containers with fry in place and stop it floating around everywhere :)

    Try the card way it is good. :)

  13. WIth mine I poured boiling water over it every half hour for a couple hours and then soaked it for about a day and then let it dry in the sun and then soaked it for a further 3 days and changed the water with boiling water again daily. No Problems at all.

    I was thourough though just in case, :) Gave it a good scrub to. The soaking also helps remove any tannins that are left in it and stops your tank water going brown.

    I think It needs to be soaked to stop it from floating?

  14. Oh weird. Have you tried some Salt?

    I had a weird unknown thing in my GBAs so hopefully yours is like that and just a weird unknown week long thing :P Then all is fine afterwards :P

    Is your water quality good? Could it be a bit of constipation (feed him deshelled peas).

  15. Yeha we have gouramis and they dont mind at all. They are very placid... Although ours are lace gouramis and are fully grown so maybe a bit big for your tank - but dwarfe gouramis and honey gouramis are very cool and a reasonable sizing for your tank :)

  16. So I put in some Furan 2 as the salt wasn't working with the lump on his lip. However before I put in the Furan I increased the water level to check his swimming and he is swimming head down tail up like he was when I first found him - I thought the peas fixed that but it must have looked like it was fixed with the shallow water.

    So I now know the head down isnt due to constipation - but what else could it be? The Furan has been in there for 2.5 days now but still not noticing a difference in him. Once I finish the furan treatment what can I do?

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