Apologies - just copied this from the 'Welcome ' section as it seemed appropriate to list here too!
Hello all - just registered - found the forum a few days ago whilst googling for affordable pond liners!
I live just N of Waikanae on 2 acres of very sandy old beach dunes about 1k from sea. Have just dug a 5m x 3m figure of 8 type pond in back yard. 2 deep sections approx 50cm and 80 cm rest shallowing to edges.
After reading a few posts re pond liners I went to my local Crightons today and picked up a 7m x 4m piece of builders polythene (250 microns thick) for $28!! Talk about a bargain.
Have filled pond today - the rain sure helped and would welcome advice as to what to put in it!
My ideal would be to have fish of some sort - probably a few goldfish to start, a lily or 2, something to oxygenate and ultmately some other wildlife - frogs, invertibrates, etc. Anyone with good advice for low maintenance interest for the family? Also low cost is preferable (as you can tell from my penny pinching pond liner purchase!
Idea is to have a variety of borders - decking, boulders, pebbles, sand etc in distinct areas around the edge and ultimately a twee bridge going across the thin bit.
Will post pics soon if anyone interested.