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Everything posted by lang

  1. Makes perfect sense.... just looks a bit odd, so thanks for that
  2. did anyone ever tell you that Avatar you have is REALLY annoying.... ;-) im forever swishing at the screen!!!
  3. but what is a 4fter? I thought it was a typo, but see it written as that in a few replies :oops:
  4. :oops: oh well it's SUPER clean now :bounce:
  5. thanks for that. is it an "official" type thing or will there be a show of sorts for the public? thanks Ian PS: finally got our tank "started" more gravel, heater in and topped up with water.... on the second attempt mind you... washed the new (darker) gravel well so i thought....but was very murky.... so stripped everything out and started again.... looking good now but what a mission :oops:
  6. yes you certainly have changed my thinking there.... thanks for the tips, we got the bare tank setup last night and filled only to THEN notice my fingerprints on the INSIDE of the tank, ooops, will drain it and start again.... at least (touch wood) the filter (after a fashion) and lights work and no leaks, so we will source a heater for the tank, run everything for a few days and get back in touch.... again...huge thanks for your help
  7. Conference, is that in Blenheim? finally a new hobby where it pays to be in a small town huh :oops:
  8. soooooo much to learn, we were looking at goldfish because "that's what ya do" but were so wrong, Caryl suggests tropicals will be fine, so that opens up a whole new world (of tiny fish of course) love the hengelly and still like the guppies, as they seem to be hardy and look great, bright colours and all.
  9. Thanks Casper, yes I have and yes i do... hope to catch up with Caryl at some stage for guidance thanks.
  10. thanks for that, will do :-)
  11. cycling tanks? oh dear...see im lost allready..... :-? thanks for the reply... may have to do some reading me thinks.... thanks.
  12. hi all, I was going to ask where to start...but just noticed a where to start page lol so thought i may read that first aye! I am a total newbie, have just bought a tank (aqua one 500) 65l i think it is and wondering what is the best way to start.... mainly want something that our near 2 yr old can admire, he is mad keen on fish but wifey and I are totally in the dark... freshwater, tropical, marine...sheesh... will be a steep learning curve i guess, so will read through the newbies forum first, looking at getting some goldfish i guess would be the easiest starters this weekend hopefully. thanks Ian In Sunny Marlborough by the way, not sure how many others are, but do say hi. :lol:
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