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Posts posted by sandysme

  1. :cry1: :cry1:

    Wake up to a tank full of dead fish, think it was the thermostat on the heater, cooked them, all my breeding cories...

    20 bronze cories,

    6 panda cories

    4 Pygmy cories,

    10 blue platties,

    my red eyed albino bristlenose breeding pair,

    8 Neons,

    4 cherry barbs,

    Upside down catfish

    What did survive was my 3 new black mollies that I just got off Tracy this week,

    :cry1: :dunno:

  2. Couple of years ago we had the palmy fish club, central fishkeeper, we closed down and i got left with quite a few books, I don't want them and im having a big clean out, any ideas or does the club want to just take them off my hands, or another local fish enthusiast might want to have them, in the days before internet they would of been hot property but now I guess no one would want them.

  3. That's not dedication, I got up at 5am caught and bagged 30 tanks of fish (with tons of help from a few good friends) then drove to Auckland with a trailer filled with tanks, got there at 8pm started settling fish into tanks (again thanks to some more good friends at this end). Then around midnight got to bed up at 6 to go out south and load up some more tanks to take back down to Bulls for another friend and drove back! That was a big weekend.. Taupo and back in 1 day it definitely doable.

    Hear Hear :hail::hail:

  4. I am wanting to set up a thing on Facebook for NZ native fish enthusiasts to share photos, trips etc etc, like the New Zealand Carnivorous Plants one.

    That one seems to be a 'group' so I set one up. However people seem to need to ask to join my group, which I as admin needed to approve. And it seems with a group you can't have group albums etc etc.

    So I set up a 'page'. OK, now we have albums and stuff, but I can only post as group owner (not me) and my posts go to member's walls, but other people's posts won't go to my wall.

    Maybe a group is what I want? Then when anyone posts something new it goes to everyone's wall, which I like the idea of.

    Argh I am lost!

    Can anyone advise?

    Maybe message simon as to how he did it with the central fishkeepers site on facebook..

  5. My offsider at work, his wife is a early childhood teacher at massey, I will try and get hold of him tomorrow as we are on holiday it might be hard, but she may have them or someone else out there might, oh and my friends sister just finished last year..will get back to ya.

    Ok first one was no good, as she finished hers in 2002 and said the books would be no good, have 1 more person to try.

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