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  1. Cheers Ira. Appreciated
  2. So, I thought I would save money by 'dry dosing', but wanted to check I was doing the right thing. I read this thread here on low tech tanks: http://www.sudeepmandal.com/hobbies/planted-aquarium/low-tech-planted-tank-guide/ It states I need to dose: 1/4 Teaspoon of Seachem Equilibrium (for traces and Calcium + Magnesium). (1.42 ppm Ca, 0.42 ppm Mg, 3.43 ppm K and 0.02 ppm Fe)1/8 Teaspoon of KNO3 (Potassium Nitrate) (5.27 ppm NO3 and 3.32 ppm K)1/32 Teaspoon of KH2PO4 (Potassium Mono Phosphate) (1.61 ppm PO4 and 0.66 ppm K)per 20g, once a week/fortnight. So typing into trademe I get these sources of Potassium Nitrate and Potassium Mono Phosphate: http://www.trademe.co.nz/home-living/outdoor-garden-conservatory/greenhouses/auction-1040925403.htm http://www.trademe.co.nz/home-living/outdoor-garden-conservatory/greenhouses/auction-1043707818.htm So, it's working with these raw chemicals that I am nervey about. a) Do I just get a teaspoon and sprinkle the raw chemical straight into the tank? No prep? b) Do I need to know anything about storing such chemicals? c) Anything else I need to know about dry ferts? Thank you! \\
  3. Awesome. Thank you to all the posters. I think I'll need to pull some out and spread em out
  4. Thank you for the feedback. Sorry if I am being dense, but I still don't get how I should space the plants, i.e. 10cm between each? Further? Cheers :)
  5. A quick question: Should I be spacing Amazon Swords a decent distance apart to give room for the root structures? I would like to grow a lot, large and dense. So planted them together, but am worried they won't have enough room. Thank you!
  6. Hey guys, The tank will be heavily planted, 120l x45d x60h aquarium. I'm planning to keep some female bettas, a schooling fish, some bottom dwellers. My current thoughts: ~6 female bettas 20-30 single species of a schooling fish. This is where I am most stuck, I am looking at emerald eye rasboras, harlequin/espei rasboras, x-ray tetra. What are your thoughts? ~10 Corys, probably peppered/sterbai. Maybe some zebra or pakistani loaches. 6 or so, Not sure about these. Perhaps some odds and ends as the mood fancies: such as some kind of small dwarf cichlid(s), BNC, ottos etc. Any other ideas? Particularly interested in your thoughts regarding the schooling fish and the loaches. Advice much appreciated!
  7. Thanks for the response Shilo. Still dithering - just can't find much specific information/reviews out there for the Sanrise, and I'm a natural ditherer anyway.
  8. Hey guys, I'm aiming for a low-medium densely planted tank. Thinking probably swords, crypts and other low light plants. Dimensions:120l x45d x60h Does this LED unit look useful: http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/fish/lights-lamps/auction-973710751.htm A bit of technical detail on the smaller model: http://www.aquasanrise.com/List.asp?L-1166524031.html Or should I go for a 2x55W T5? Where can I get ~6500k T5 tubes from? Struggling to find any. Thank you in advance!
  9. Heya, I have a 120cm Dymax 2x 55W fixture above my tank. I have dropped it a couple of times. 2nd time was pretty bad, a clean fall from the top of the tank to the ground. On this second occasion one of the tubes shattered. I have cleaned everything up and the fitting still works. There is a bit of rattling if I move each end up and down, as what I assume are shards of glass move behind the reflector. What I would like to know: it safe to use or could it potentially create an electrical issue? i.e. should I replace the whole unit despite the fact it is working? Thank you in advance for your help.
  10. Yay. Fishies Lookin good
  11. Baby clowns = exciting!
  12. Yeah totally; in the past I set it up from the get go. This time, with just coming back from overseas, I'm trickling money into it, rather than buying everything upfront, so will slowly add to the tank. Thanks for the feedback btw
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