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    Australia Dysart

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  1. HI again, firstly I was going to put ten neons in the tank as well but I took it under advisement that they probably wouldnt make it through the cycling. Other than that everything is going good with all levels in the tank being zero except for nitrate which is 5ppm. Iam hoping that this is what should be happening! As for the photo, I will wait a month or two until I am out of the woods with cycling and have some more fish. Thanks again Jim
  2. Yes I do know about floating bags etc. Thanks to everyone who contributed and I will post in a day or two and let you know how the fish are progressing. Once again thanks
  3. OK should I add the water from the bags the fish come in?
  4. Hi again! Yes I cancelled the neons as it sounded like I was just going to kill them. After we put in the gravel and plants and stuff we just measured how much water went into the tank to the mid point of the recommended range
  5. What fish are good for cycling a tank(and keeping after). I have a 215 litre tank that with gravel etc has 160 litres of water in it. At this stage I was thinking about 4 serpae tetras, 4 pearl danios, one albino and one peppered catfish. Is this too many? Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks in advance Jim
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