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  1. ok so i have wasted money on the liquid feed them LOL i will have to buy the flake as i only feed pellets ( little brown ones ) shrimp and blood worms....is this ok for adults what type of flake ??? especially for live bearers??? thanks again
  2. ok i am new here have a pregnant guppy and was advised by local pet store to feed fry a liquid fry food 4 drops 3 times a day Any advice is welcome... types of food thanks in advance
  3. aqua22


    http://s253.photobucket.com/albums/hh59/bosskrotties/ ok hopefully you guys can help me out is she or isnt she pregnant sorry photos are not very clear
  4. aqua22


    Ok now i have some photos to put up of a guppy female i think that i am sure is pregnant, will post pics shortly.... i have her in a float tank male guppy is very keen on her questions 1 how long till the BIG DAY 2 How long do the babies need to stay in the birth tank 3 Does mum get released into the normal tank after birth My idea was to let Mum give birth then pop them all into there own tank mum and bubs when old enough so i can have a better survival rate Any help is appreciated remember i am a newbie and am a sponge for all your worthwhile knowledge Thanks in advance AQUA22
  5. aqua22


    Thanks for the compliment on the betta and thanks for the correction on the type of fish i have .... will have to let the lps know LOL
  6. aqua22


    it could well be this is what the lps sold it to me as but may be a kribensis
  7. aqua22


    http://s253.photobucket.com/albums/hh59/bosskrotties/ ok hopefully you can view them now am new so the photos are not very clear sorry guys
  8. aqua22


    ok here goes am going to try and put up some pics now dont laugh if it doesnt work :roll: http://s253.photobucket.com/albums/hh59/bosskrotties/
  9. aqua22


    thanks for the assistance will give it a go
  10. aqua22


    i only have a 30 litre tank i am truly a beginner how do i add photos????
  11. aqua22


    ok i was told guppies where all male and i am going to try and post some photos so you guys can help me out
  12. aqua22


    thanks for the huge welcome guys feel at home already we have 3 x guppies 1 x leopard catfish 1x bolivian butterfly 1x plact (sp?) i have had to move the catfish and 2 guppies into a smaller tank as the purple coloured guppy ate half the tail off one of the guppies then started attacking the other guppy. the catfish i moved into the smaller tank as he seemed a little bewilderd with all the fighting. All happy now that they are separated Gee thought guppies where supposed to be easy for the first timer LOL
  13. aqua22


    hi all newbie here will probably ask a heap of questions so i will apologize for it now Location : Tasmania.. Australia Am here to learn and ask for your patience and knowledge Aqua22
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