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Posts posted by SparkyNat

  1. I would not put sand in there as its a baby beardy when its older then yes, but they have a habit of licking and eating things sand would cause blockage.

    Astroturf of tiles if you want to add colour but it seems fine to me easy to clean :D

    Only thing i would do is have the basking spot higher near the light carnt really tell from your photos

  2. Nah normally they are not to bad if you explain what its for. Normally ive found the only ones to be rude think a) females dont know what they are on about or b) think your are doing some big job and think your doing it all yourself and your going to blame them when things go wrong. Love the look on there face when i say no i am the electrican, beside females will normally get a better discount :wink:

  3. i wasnt answering the question myself i was just stating that they would be worth more than $300 considering you cannot buy a hatching for this price.

    I was asking at what stage to they become more valuable such as are females more than males $ wise. Obviously a proven breeding pair is more that a male/female young combo.

    I have brought a dragon from this person previously so i know they are well looked after, mine is yellow so im assuming the others will be similar.

    Ive seem them on places such as tm from $500 including everything up 2 $1000 just for a dragon nothing special either just normal types. I was asking advise from people who have brought and sold dragons alot more than i have and have more knowledge on these types of things.

  4. yip we fly out to Aitutaki on saturday for 4 nights. Got some great photos of fish and lizards.

    The locals seem to know the better places, they are not always on the maps and you may have to walk through backards to get 2 them.

  5. Im in rarotonga at the moment, so good watching the news to see all the heavy snow and wind warnings. Its to hot here to wear t shirt and shorts!

    Anyways ive been snorkling every day which is amazing like swimming in a huge marine tank but better. Ive got lots of photos which i will add later since the internet connection here is crap. Also the house is over run with geckos and skinks, do you think customs may find the few in my bag? :D

    Anyways has anyone else been here and can recommend good places to go swim and see?

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