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Posts posted by thatpurplebunny

  1. Sorry to read of your losses Hannah ..

    We had a couple of BN that only lasted a day or two despite good water readings etc .. And when I went back to the lfs where I go them the other week, the owner mentioned that they had a really poor batch and had been dropping like flies - as had the silver sharks that came from the same supplier .. Just thought I'd mention it ..

    I'm hoping to pick up some gba's from mikefish when down in Christchurch next week - hopefully we'll have more success with them :roll:

  2. There was a time when I only recognized goldfish

    I still get platys and molys mixed up - even in the petshop with the sign right in front (çause we all know how reliable they are *cough*) ..

    So it would have been alright to mention that I also squeed when I saw the cloaches above? cloach = clown loach, my daughter and I have our own fish language, very confusing for visitors even of the fish loving variety :lol:

  3. Thank-you for the warm welcome everyone :D

    re: MTS You are so right Caper .. I currently have tank #8 (90ltr) sitting next to me and it's doing my head in trying to decide what to put in it - marine? no too small (will wait for a larger tank), Elephant Nose? hmm could start it in this and then move it to a larger tank when needed etc .... I believe there is no cure other than acceptance ?

    re: Variegated Rush - I had no idea Caryl so thank-you for pointing it out .. I'm doubly disappointed as I liked it so much I went back and bought two more when I was last in Nelson ..

  4. Thanks gorgeous (fun name btw) & Naz_Nomad ..

    I resized these a tad smaller than the linked instructions, so here fellow enthusiasts are a few random shots of my lovelies:

    Khoolie Babies


    MY Pellet


    Golden Algae Eater (admiring own reflection)


    Close Up


    Golden Apples


    Size Comparison (9cm babie axy)


    Cory On Leaf (sometimes there's one on each but I've never caught it on film - yet!)


    Rainbow Fish (aka "go this way fish" by my son who gets them to follow his finger)


    Long Finned Serpae (fin nippers but the flash of colour against plants is spectacular)


  5. It seems I jumped the gun and started posting on various threads without saying G'day, I'm Clare :D

    Quick history; growing up in Perth my father always had tropicals and quite an elaborate outdoor (3 pond waterfall) Goldfish/Koi set-up. But it wasn't until my daughter adopted our first axolotl last year that I really began interested in keeping my own fish. We now have between us 8 tanks :roll:

    #1 - Adult Axolotl

    #2 - Baby Axolotls, Golden Apple Snails

    #3 - Pleco, Hopolo, Banjo, Neons, Algae Eater, Guppies

    #4 - Guppies, Corys, Bristle Noses

    #5 - Upside-down Cat, Pleco, Khulie Loaches, Clown Loaches, Lemon Tetras, Diamond Tetra, Phantom Tetras, Black Skirted Tetras, Cochus Blue Tetras, Long Finned Serpae Tetras, Silver Sharks, Golden Algae Eater, Harlequin Rasboras, Millennium Rainbow Fish

    #6 - Coldwater Gold Fish, Shubunkims, Brown Apple Snails, Algae Eater #7 - Killies - P82 breeding trio

    #8 - Cycling (future Bristlenose Breeding set-up?)

    So I'm delighted to find these forums, and am very appreciative of all the feedback & advise I have already received from some folks here. Plus those who have done me specials on fish/plants via TM & answered my many emailed questions.

    I'd love to share some photo's & video clips of my fishy friends (currently uploading to youtube) - would it be best to add them to this thread now that I've started it?

    ~ Clare Marie

  6. I find it quick and easy to just suck start it - keeping a diligent eye on the hose! One mouthful of putrid bottom of the tank axolotl water was enough to see me siphoning on an every other day schedule :oops:

    And not that I make a habit of drinking it, but I'm happy to report our guppy tank water tastes so much better :lol:

  7. Yes this is Clare, and I joined the same day we were emailing (couple of weeks back?) .. I also emailed Amanda to confirm the money had shown as I'd heard nothing and she said it had ..

    Sorry for my impatience, I'm just super eager for the mail out .. And sorry I couldn't make the mixed meeting - I'm sure everyone had a wonderful time :)

  8. I'm not 100% sure from which direction I would be traveling as yet as I need to head down south for a bit .. But message about carpool noted - Thanks Caryl ..

    re: Guppies - That's what I thought, considering how easy they breed .. We bought some lovely snakeskin ones via TM/Aquanut, so I think I may get a few coloured from him too :D

  9. I'm sorry to read you lost them both :(

    My GAE was one of the first fish I ever owned and remains one of my favorites as s/he is so interactive when I sit and watch, and just has so much personality .. I've never seen Goldy bother any of the other fish in the (130ltr) community but I've only the one of the species (and won't add another after reading this) .. Do you think it's still likely he will pick on the other tank mates as he gets older?

  10. That's interesting as my external with internal probe (black)Aqua1 above always reads much higher than the old school glass .. Like you it confused me so I added yet another of the glass ones from my daughters tank - and that too read different from it's matching mate ..

    Not helpful when trying to check summer temp in an axolotl tank :-?

  11. Thanks Caryl, I'll be sure to check it out .. Guess I better pack the polystyrene boxes ;)

    And thanks cichlid7 - I'm hoping to make it over for one of the Tasman meetings so maybe I can get to know a few local folk then ..

    Could someone *please let me know when & where the next meeting will be?


  12. I was wondering if anyone in the upper south, Nelson area could advise me of the best places or people to get fish from and/or tanks ?

    We're new to the hobby, yet well and truly hooked with tank number seven being purchased last week (two of us addicts with completely differing tastes in colour & species); and with common guppies costing $14 each at the lfs (if you consider 2hrs away local?), I don't even want to begin to add up how much we have spent so far - or will in the future! Especially given I'm mid-way through drafting house extension plans and now there's talk of a possible 'fish room' being added to replace the loft I decided against *oh my ...

    I'm also heading down to Christchurch for a quick visit next month so will be checking out what is available there - anyone want to recommend a must see shop?

  13. Noted :wink:

    The water looks much better now since I'm doing a water change every second day - complete with a gravel vacuum. I've also so far added half the salt as per the 2Tx20ltr recommendation, adding another T each day, and putting back what I take out with water changes - will do this up to 6 for my 130ltr tank, unless I notices changes in any of the fishes behaviours. And I have 2x Aqua One 100wat heaters set on 28, but the thermometer reads 30, so I'll just leave that as it is.

    I'm happy to say every fish in the tank looks happy and healthy! Only one spot left on each of the loaches, both swimming normally, interactive and sucking down blood worms with the rest of the community :P

  14. It seems to come in white or green - though I can't for the life of me work out why.

    This is the kind she had: http://www.theaquariumshop.com.au/shopexd.asp?id=120&name=Aquarium+Science+Aquarium+Salt+Green+250g and there was only 2 tablespoons left, so I hate to imagine what it would do if I added the recommended amount for 130ltrs (6 tablespoons).

    I've gone from this:


    To this:


    *eek, I've read the rules and got the size right, but not sure how to get pics under the kb limit, so I'll only post image links.

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