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Aquatics NZ

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Everything posted by Aquatics NZ

  1. Hi guys My new beardie will be arriving on Friday morning and will be approx 8-10 weeks old. I have everything sorted. However, one thing escapes me and that is how often to supplement his food. I have Rep-Cal Herptivite and Calcium (w/ D3). From what I have been told, each should only be used with one feeding per day with 5 feedings a week with calcium and 2 feedings a week with herptivite. Is this correct? Cheers
  2. Here are some pics (taken with an iPhone so not the best):
  3. I went through a constructive dismissal case myself. Unfortunately, I can't give too many details due to the non-disclosure agreement (it was settled out of court) Basically, I handed in a two page resignation with all of the reasons why I was resigning and stated that because of how I felt, I did not need to give two weeks notice. I left, contacted the franchise owners, and two weeks later I walked away with a substantial sum. I can tell you, 5 digits for a 16 year old is very very good. The did offer me my job back but I said no and pushed for the compensation. Anyway, I suggest you get your partner to list and explain everything leading up to the incident, the incident itself, as well as different company policies etc etc. Then contact the employment relations authority for help with mediation if you want it etc.
  4. Hi guys It's been awhile since I last posted. Things are coming along nicely. My new bd will be here on Saturday hopefully and I have 100 crickets arriving on Friday. My terrarium (EPS premium habitat) is all set up for now. Although I won't rule out adding/taking out some more stuff. I may add some fake plants to add some colour. What do you think? The lighting is two UVA/UVB T8's, 100w heat lamp, 100w basking lamp and a 60w standard Phillip's light bulb just to add some light down the far end of the tank. I have gone for a sand substrate over the majority of the enclosure. For those who are familiar with the EPS habitat, I have left the 'dip' at the end sandless and will use this as the feeding area for now until he gets bigger.
  5. Do you worry about the cicadas being contaminated? I also heard that the dandelion greens and flowers are really good for them. Can you buy them or are normal garden ones fine? Are you dusting with just calcium or both calcium and multivitamins. Is you dragon adult or baby?
  6. As I'm most likely going to be getting a baby dragon, what would be the best feeding regime? From my research, I read that babies require 80% live and 20% vegetables. Is this correct? If it is, this is what I will be doing: 3-4 times daily -> Small crickets. Possibly small cockroaches (would these be suitable?) Gutloaded with fruit and veges. Added salad every day. I heard that one of the best greens to add is kale. Are we able to get this here? With regards to dusting with calcium (added D3) and multi-vitamins, how often should this be done?
  7. where do you get the synthetic lawn carpet from? Is it very expensive? Also, is there any special kind of sand that you use for the adults?
  8. I was also wondering what the best decor and substrate would be. For a basking spot, I am thinking a large flat river rock. Also, some driftwood structure for climbing. I won't add much driftwood simply because I won't be intending it to be used directly for basking per se - more as just a 'chill-out' spot In terms of substrate, I was thinking of using tile. I would like a particulate substrate if I could get away with it, but I do not want to risk impaction.
  9. Well, I just bought the EPS Reptile Home off trademe. They are going to hold it for me until January with a 50% deposit but I will most likely pick it up before then. Now I just have to get rid of my fish tank and I can begin.
  10. thanks for those links. some good reading there.
  11. thanks for that. I was typing with one hand for my last post and when I finally submitted it I noticed your very informative post... :oops:
  12. wow. thanks for all of the responses guys. I definitely think there's a little more reading for me to do. With regards to feeding a juvenile bd, are crickets the best form of live food? How often do they need to be dusted with calcium and how often does the bd need to be fed? Was I correct in stating that a baby bd requires 80% live and 20% vegetable? Also, what vegetables are best for optimal health?
  13. Thanks for the reply. How old would you suggest I buy a dragon at? I still want to be able to 'bond' with one if possible. I also suppose the advantage of older ones is that they require less live food than younger ones?
  14. Hi there I am looking at setting up an enclosure for a bearded dragon around xmas/new year. I've been doing some research into them and just wanted some more info from people closer to home: 1. I am interested in a red or orange or even red and orange coloured baby bearded dragon. Where am I able to get one and how much would I be looking at spending? I would possibly go for a 9 month old - 1 year old if no babies are available. How much wold I be looking at for an older specimen? 2. In terms of an enclosure, I am useless when it comes to DIY and would prefer to buy one professionally made. Where could I get one from? I noticed one on trademe called an "EPS PREMIUM REPTILE HOME HABITAT". Includes most of the fittings and the lamp package is $99 extra. The only one they have left is 4x2x2. Is this a good unit? Would this be a suitable size? Apparently they can go 5x2x2 if I request it. 3. When it comes to feeding, I read that for a juvenile, 80% of their diet should be protein with the remaining 20% being vegetable. What would be the best foods for a juvenile and how often should they be fed? I also read that the above ratios are virtually opposite for adults. The same above question applies. Also, where would one get live foods from? Are they easy to breed? I also heard of some people feeding live mice to adults. Is this done in New Zealand? I know mice are quite fatty and if they are fed to bearded dragons, it shouldn't be done often. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks in advance
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