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    NZ, Wellington

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  1. I just saw a baby fish get sucked into my external filter. I got him out and put him back in the tank. Its a community tank, not a breeding tank. What do people do to avoid losing fry like this? I don't really want to change the nozzle to be too fine, because I still want all the fish poop etc to be sucked up and not just collect on the outside. But I guess that is the only way?
  2. trick

    Hi from Wellington

    Hey thanks for the info. Will have look for some genuine SAE's, have decided to avoid all the other types. Called Hutt Pets and they said they didn't have them but if you're right Foxglove theres probably some SAE's amongst the Flying Foxes. Have read up on the differences to look for. Thanks for the info on the clubs. I'm in Newlands so could probably attend either Wgtn or KapiMana since its in Tawa. Cheers for the offer Ballistic.
  3. trick


    I have orange (the males with black outline on swords), orange with black tail (females), grey with green & orange stripes, grey and patchy black. Cheers Matt
  4. trick

    Hi from Wellington

    Hey thanks for the quick welcomes & replies! This seems like a great forum. Cheers Matt
  5. Hey all I thought it was about time I registered for these forums instead of just reading them. I've kept tropical fish for many years but am currently keeping it simple with a tank of swordtails and catfish. The swordtails are a mix of colour variations. May consider putting in another type of fish if they're really compatible. Tank is around 3 foot long and taller than most (200-220L probably depending on how high I fill it). There's 2 heaters and an Eheim Ecco 2235 filter. Just replaced the Fluval 404, which isn't running reliably. At the moment I'm after 2 Siamese Algae Eaters for my black beard algae problem, and looking to also sell my Fluval 404 as is. Also interested in getting some plants that don't need much light (the height of the tank is a bit of a problem here). Cheers, Matt
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