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    Auckland, New Zealand
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    Cichlids, cichlids and cichlids.

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  1. noxious

    Fish Lice?

    I have had these latch onto me before, I freaked out. You can use a lighter if you must. But salt is probably the way to go..
  2. I would of taken them if I were in Taupo
  3. Yea, I was just asking. I wouldn't til at least 3cm.
  4. Hey Casper, would you sell them at that size? Just wondering... Mine are about 1-2.5cm ....
  5. on purpose .. meaning isolating in breeding conditions right?
  6. wow, they look pretty good, I could of nearly mistaken them for Jewels Can I see a photo of your Salvini?
  7. I have moved the male into the community tank and he looks fine there...
  8. I think they are the thumbnail versions of the picture.
  9. I've been watching over the tanks and noticed that the female is having domestics with the male .. in front of the babies.. has he done something wrong or.. is that actually some sort of mating ritual?
  10. Im looking to sell some of my jewel babies as they are growing fast and I have barely no room left for them.. What is there minimum age they should be before I start to sell them? They are about 1month old now... can I remove them from there parents now? or remove the parents (easier).... Thanx
  11. I have treated the male and he is happily swimming now, but his tail fin has 80% gone.
  12. are you saying maybe that the female is "beating" up the male?
  13. Yea, I think that is the same disease. Thanks heaps for the help/advice, Hopefully this one stays alive, Im pretty sure he will be strong, he wont wanna leave his little ones at such a young age! I've changed the water, he is swimming around fine now, It might be a matter of healing now. (HOPEFULLY). And does anyone know where I can get this Furan2 from?
  14. I checked up on my fish after work and found my male jewel hiding in some rocks with his fins looking rotted, i thought it could have been caused by a rock cave in or something? so I moved the rocks and he is freely swimming around, its now day 2, he seems fine and possibly recovering? I check on my fish all the time and Im pretty sure this all happened within 7hours. Its got kinda white-ish at the tips of his fins.. He is with heaps of baby jewels and the mother of the jewels. I do 50% water changes fortnightly / or 25%-40% weekly. Is there anything I can do to get him recovered? Cheers
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