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Posts posted by Zhacque

  1. HI All

    Its about time that the people that have an interest in keeping tropical and tropical Marine fish got together and started attacking MAF. :wink:

    I agree. They seem to be behaving like the Gestapo..

    Time for a big board-wide thread?

  2. Actually conch its the other way around, the people that fail vet school go on to become human doctors.

    I agree..! Speaking as an Ambo, it must be far easier to diagnose an illness when you can communicate with the patient!

  3. Too late, already purchased an electric corsair with all the bits. Was a damn sight cheaper than the other ones I was looking at so I'm not too worried about crashing.

    Conch i'll get in touch with you after I've destroyed the Corsair with training if I want to continue ;)

    Can I watch? I'll video it and put it on "A large video website" and it'll be immortalised forever!

    p.s NOBODY like planes more than me.. I prefer real ones with live people inside them, and the sharper the better!

  4. Well that's interesting Zhacque, Please post the odd update on the forum about that. I would like a nice semiconductor chiller if it was affordable.

    No worries! It's a relatively new technology, but it's opened up new doors in heating and cooling areas.. seen those fridges you can get at "large red retail outlets" that heat or cool? Same technology.

  5. I decided to 'blueprint' the skimmer at the weekend and make sure that everything was as it should be, and low-and-behold I discovered that the plastic sleeve of the impeller was cracked, allowing the magnet to move about - after fitting a new impeller, the performance of the skimmer is noticably better. Curiously though, both the old and new impellers had both of the pink end-cap bushes on the lower end, rather than one at each end to retain the ribber caps. Odd. Any other Max owners out there4 feel like pulling the intake off theirs and seeing if it is the same?

    Yeah, ours is the same, It seems to me the two pink bushes are self-lubricating, thus act as a low friction underwater bearing.. Seems perfectly fine.

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