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  1. Thanks for the tips guys. no easy way around it then. have nice sharp holesaws to make holes I was going to seed my new filter with the contents of my trickle filter to help speed up its development. I will have a go at putting the outlet backinto existing tank top i just hope the direction nozzle is big enough to cope otherwise over flow. cheers David
  2. Evening All I have finally moved to a external filter to improve my water quality. I had thought as my filter was an Aqua one product like my tank that it would of been straight forward. So any words/photos from people that have done it before with any hints or tips would be appreciated. on how to do it as tidy as possible. thanks
  3. Fish Keyholes Kribensis Pep. Corys Blue Gourami Bristlenose
  4. I have had fish for years but only really starting to get a handle on doing it right. alot of water testing, checking parameters and reading product websites.Maybe that is my problem. alot/all says min 4-5kh to prevent ph swings. I run a standard 120Ltr com. AR620T tank but are trying to get a better plant growth going on. Tank currently has drift wood. was aiming for the nice ph7 neutral zone, I was hoping that if i increase my kh a bit then some time in the future i might go down the road of CO2 fert. giving me the ability to have some fudge room while setting the system up. But after all this am quite happy to gain advice from any source and just hoping for a un-commercial view point. David. cheers
  5. My kh at 3deg had lead to a stable ph of 7.2 ish. maybe i should just be happy with this and leave it alone. a kh of <5deg would be classed as soft already? Will oak leaves decrease the ph with out affecting kh? I have two oaks on the neighbours side and the only thing i thought they were goog for was blocking the sunlight. Substrate. was cheep aquarium gravel purchased about 5 years ago and i have dropped in a couple of manawatu river stones for good measure. I was thinking of useing a seachem flourite substrate but thought it might be difficult to vacume the waste up from the fish from such a fine substrate. cheers
  6. I have forever had soft water. kh-3deg. is std. lifting that currently to a desired point of 6ish ithe a kh booster. The issue I have is I wish to decrease my ph from around 7.3. I would love to use co2 but it is a cost killer at this time. If I use a PH down product will it not use up my kh buffer I have just created? or should i be looking for a particular type of product. Cheers
  7. I have some Pure water from the super market will try some tests tonight. Thanks for the link also. David
  8. I will have a look for the Water on the way home today. thanks for that. location Dunedin.
  9. Hope for some extra help here from somebody who is using or used this product. I have conducted both a Normal and Low range test on aquarium water. the only colour is a light yellow for both tests. same colour as the reagent. have left the test for up to 45mins and no colour change. I tested tap water, just the same yellow tinge. I have even added two/three drops of API Leaf Zone with 0.1% Fe to the tap water test and the aquarium water normal test and the colour did not change. I am trying to track deionized water to do a reference check soon on the kit. Any ideas?
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