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Everything posted by mikec

  1. mikec

    Native fish?

    the reason i know about that spot is that I grew up (age 2 to 11) in paekakariki. whats the name of the kids? i might remember their parent/s. Mike C
  2. mikec

    Native fish?

    i was at the trout place near turangi over easter and had a gander in the tanks that hold the small fish. a couple had that telltale crooked tail. maybe it was maybe it wasnt, but i recognised it from reading a book years ago, maybe it was... ps i am currently in contact with a joker in wgtn doc who will let me know if i need a permit to keep natives (thats what rings my bells). they are discovering heaps of new ones at the moment too, exciting stuff! NIWA have an awesome page on freshwater fish in nz as well. that nzfreshwaterorg site is very very good too. IF YOU WANT A GOOD EELING SPOT go to QE2 park (mackays crossing) where the trams are (or were). right to the far car park. there youll find a slow deep tannin stained creek that has some big mother eels in it. i have been considered a fairly tough mean kiwi male at times in my life, but after catching some of the bohemoths that live in that creek, the thought of falling in gives me a serious case of the s***s. im not kidding, they are very very scary. have fun Mike C
  3. hello. I cant believe the proliferation of fantastic fish keeping related sites that has happened without me noticing, especially NZ ones! I have always been interested in keeping fish, but time constraints and a young family and a burgeoning career diverted my focus about 5 years ago. Things have changed (for the better - told them where to stick the career) and I now have more energy to devote to the finer things of life ie family, freinds and of course fish! My particular bent is our native freshwater species (and to a smaller extent the exotics that roam free in our waterways). I would be interested to correspond with other enthusiasts and share knowledge and experience with them. cheers Mike C
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