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Posts posted by joG

  1. How did Conference go this year?, haven't read anything on web site. We missed it

    this year as we were in Samoa with Sea Turtles. As a member of the Federation for many

    years I miss out on what is going on around the place, due to my job and crazy hours

    I am unable to make it to club meetings. Would still like to keep up with what is happening.

  2. Welcome aboard. I have kept fish for years and used to belong to the Wirarapa Fish club.

    I held the position as President, Editor, and Secretary of the club over the years. Stoped going

    to meetings when I moved out to the country and my hours of work changed. Nice to know there

    are still keen fishkeepers in the area. Maybe we should try and set something up so we can help

    others in the area.

  3. I was shocked to hear of the passing of John Eastwood. He was a very special friend for the past 30 plus years. Graham and I are going to miss him alot.

    Our thoughts go out to Gail, Jack the cat and all their family members..

    John was a big man with a big heart. He gave so much and asked for little in return. I am going to miss the weekly emails and the monthly special emails which I looked forward to. We will miss you.

    Jo and Graham

  4. An idea if you are looking for somewhere to keep these little fellows when you get them.

    If you want to save money do what we did. If you have an old but good looking china cabnet with glass sliding doors that you are not makeing use of.Just take out the shelf if it has one, cut some air hole in the back of the cabnet attach some fine wire over the holes so they can't escape, attach your lights ect inside and decorate. You will have a very nice encloseure which will fit in with everything else.

  5. I Have recently got two young Bearded Dragon, They are great. Three books that I found really helpful were. Reptile Keepers Guides to Bearded Dragons Facts and Advice on Care and Breeding By R.D. Bartlett and Patricia Bartlett. Keeping Beared Dragons By Darren Green and Ty Larson. I have seen this one in the pet shops. The Bearded Dragon Manual

    Hope this helps, and good luck. They are worth keeping and a lot of fun.

    Turtle Lady

  6. Hi Caryl,

    Yes I am still alive, I know people haven't heard from me for a while but I am still here. I got the magazine today, keep up the good work.Yes you will get an article from me soon. I know it is hard work when you don't get support, that is how we lose great people like you when they get fed up.


  7. Well it seems that everyone is having their say about Conference next year. It is a shame that there isn't that many people offering to go on the Exec, now that would solve a few problems next year. Graham and I have just returned from Ausie and as much as I would like to go back, Fiji sounds great. Graham and I have been to Fiji and Plantation Island and I know that whoever decides to go will have a great time. Keep up the good work John. If no one else else turns up on the day Graham and I will be there to keep you company.


  8. Great to see someone from outside the local fish club on board. Don't

    believe everything Caryl said about use all being nuts. Some of us are

    normal. Well we were before we all went down south for the Conference

    at Queens Birthday and had a great time... You should try it. I'm from Masterton if you need any help just ask and I will see what I can do.

    JoG :roll:

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