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Everything posted by Doug.l

  1. Doug.l


    Thanks for the reply. Lighting is 2x11w bulbs the came with the tank, [ Aqua One 60 litre ] have not added any fert , and don't no the names of the plants, they are just your common ones from our local fish shop.. Cheers
  2. Doug.l


    Can some one till me why i am having problims growing plants in my aquarium. Have had it for around a year but plants don't seem to grow. have lights on for 12 hrs per day.
  3. Doug.l


    How do i get rid of all my snails, they seem to be every where now. Use to have a skunk loach but it was eating my little fish so got rid of it. What now ???? Have a AR-620, from Aqua One.
  4. Well i took my skunk loach back to the pet shop today,so hopefully every thing is ok now.They even gave me two free neons. Thank again for all the help.
  5. Thank you, yes some one can have it for free.
  6. Thank you all for the replys. Yes it is the one in the photo. Now what ?? as it is a very healthy fish and i have not got the heart to kill it. Is there anyone in Nelson that would like him/her. :
  7. Not sure but it is a silver in color with black fins
  8. Are Zebra Danios renown for tail nipping.? we notice our Neons are disappearing and others have their tails badly nipped. Only seems to be the smaller fish, and when they are first introduced to the tank. Trying to isolate which fish are the cause. Also have Platies, Neons, catfish, harlequin rasboras and one loach.
  9. Having trouble growing plants in my aquarium so have purchased a small tank to grow some. Can i grow them in potting mix added to the gravel. No fish of course.
  10. Doug.l


    Is there anyone in Nelson that have tropical fish that i could come and have a look at how they do it. No commercial people please.
  11. Doug.l


    Thanks every one for the replys. It seems stranges that people dont no my tank, AquaMode 600 made by Aqua One as i have seen heaps in the fish shop in Nelson. Lots of great comments about my filter and i will try them. Have also turned the lights on for 8hrs now so lets hope every thing comes right.. Thank again and keep the comments coming. Doug.
  12. Doug.l


    I change 20% of the water every 2-3 weeks. How do i no if the filter is work properly. It is the standed filter that comes with the Aqua Mode 600. Also will it matter if the use a small aerator in the tank just for looks. Thanks every one for your help so far. And no i have not yet read about cycling.
  13. Doug.l


    Took out dead one yesterday could not find one on Friday night. Fish have been dying before i put the loach in. What do you think about the lighting????
  14. Doug.l


    Fish i have are 6 Tetra and 1 platty and 1 skunk loach. I feed them a small pinch of food per night. Have lost around 10 fish in the last 2 months
  15. Doug.l


    Are new at this game and having a few problems. Brought a Aqua One 600 4 months ago and have got a lot of algae growing on the glass. Talked to the local fish shop in the weekend and they told me to turn my lighting down to 4 hours a day. Does this sound right as i also brought some live plants and have read that they need at least 12 hours a day lighting. Any help would be appreciated .
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