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  1. hahaha got me there, its ok evil, il just kick his butt next time i see him, no harm done they are really nice fish and look to be courting, hould i have the moss floating or submerged i have a cory in there with them and thinking he might swallow any eggs would quarantine freak them out too much or would they be sweet in a breeding net??? cheers
  2. i have a pair of AUSTRALE CHOCS
  3. thanks, yea i found out by losing one of my favoured albino's very bad day for me yea got it from brichardi dude, he doesnt know/ cant remember what it is yea pretty dark bands every now and then and yellow edges along both dorsal and tail fin very swift and paranoid fish, really hard to get good clear pic here's another i got http://s190.photobucket.com/albums/z169 ... ryfisk.jpg will try and get video of it thanks
  4. was unwanted by a bachardi breeder and i couldnt id this little fellow, she/he's about 4 inches long and is very agressive, found out through trial and error RIP cory and loach im thinking rainbow but any help would be muh appreciated http://s190.photobucket.com/albums/z169 ... =fishy.jpg cheers
  5. http://s190.photobucket.com/albums/z169 ... =fishy.jpg weird cichlid that i cant seem to find ezact matches of rainbow something but lickydip is useless and doesnt know either
  6. HAHAHA good stuff lui, i havent discovered any white spot in my tank, but i think i should stop taking in your abandoned fishys, and only one reported case of bloat in my tank i am still mourning the loss of my lemon tetra , what type of cichlid did you give me, save me some time trying to find out sweeeeet
  7. hahahaha SAFricans never lose, we just6 let others win sometimes but yea i am from SAF been here for 12years this xmas
  8. BRILLIANT!! thanks for all the welcomes and getting started info, how do i post pictures i have a cichlid and cant find much/any info about it in any of the books i have looked in, websites are semi helpful but hard to match up photos with the real lil falla anyway i cooul get a photo up here so as to get members to help id my fishy thanks again
  9. oooh i see, thanks for that and yea i have found many interesting things already, bloody good website cheers paddy
  10. thanks, wat does this mean "Split from Oscarboy thread Not good to highjack someone elses Bill. Mod."
  11. newbie to the FNZAS, got three tanks 160l, 68l and 40l 68l is for guppies and my killies 40l is for my solo cichlid i think he is a zebra and 160l is comm. tank with hoplo, pleco, blue rams, barbs, kuhlie loaches and my many types of cory need a bit of help with the cichlids as im new in that area, will try post a pic of it, he/she has two yellow ovals on anal fin and is similar i shape and colour to zebra but not as refined bands as pic below but was wanting to get sum red jewels, heard they are vey aggressive and so dont want to cause problems with the current residents Split from Oscarboy thread Not good to highjack someone elses Bill. Mod.
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