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Everything posted by tukituki

  1. the eheim we've been using we've had for years, i'd say it must be about 8 years old at a guess. we clean the sponges and have put new ones in recently too. its the noise of it, it used to be a steady hum but now its not making so much noise. i'm not sure how it could be fixed? any ideas? if we do replace the external ones i've got my eye on are the aqua one cf700 or cf1000. or else eheim 2213 classic, or eheim 2224 professional. which would be the best? cheers.
  2. Thanks I just edited it! I thought the Eheim style was called canister... I'm keen for good quality and one that really does filter well since we have a lot of little gba's. I'm not keen for another Eheim due to it sucking up fry, we did cover it but it seemed to stop it working so well. The external canisters are intriguing, I don't know a lot about them and have never used one before, so am keen to find out more about them.
  3. Our eheim filter in our 130L tank does not seem to be working so well these days so time for a new one. I'm after some advice on what is a good quality filter that we may be able to get as a replacement. Tank is tropical with guppies and bristlenoses. We breed. The drop down filters that sit on the side of the tank won't fit the shape of this particular tank. We have been using internal filters for years (most of the time eheim) and only quite recently had problems with them with them sucking up bristlenose fry. I am seeing for sale aqua one external filters at what looks to be a decent price, what are these like (the aquis 700 etc)? We have an inbuilt filter in a different aqua one tank with a trickle filter and it is awesome, maybe these external ones are good too? We'd love to hear any advice you all have. Cheers.
  4. Just a quick question, will loaches eat spirulina discs? I have 2 angelicus loaches, and one khuili. Thanks.
  5. Thanks. Must've been some cloudy days whilst we were away!
  6. I've cleaned it off already sorry. The lights were not on whilst we were away. The tank has been going in its current spot for well over a year so not new. Do you think its a type of algae? My pH has risen slightly over the last month but its now ideal for my fish. What are diatoms? We have pretty good lights actually GLO T5 HO ones. Thanks.
  7. We were away for just over 2 weeks over christmas, a pet minder was feeding the fish and since coming back our jewel tank has this weird brown stuff growing on the glass and heater. We cleaned the tank just before we went away. On the day we got back I scrubbed it off (its easier to get rid of than green algae), and now exactly one week later it is back. Does anyone know what it could be? If I took a photo it would just look dirty! All my levels in my tank are good, with pH now around 7, no ammonia, nitrites, nitrates etc. Fish are all well, although one was bullied badly and died a few days ago (unrelated to this I am sure, a new pair formed and they picked on this guy). Thanks.
  8. there was water inside it yes, but we didn't realise this until it had done the damage. i upgraded it with the best i could afford, next time we need to get a new one i hope i can afford a jager.
  9. aqua one is the type of heater that cooked my fish! i'm a bit put off them now. guy in the shop reckoned a power surge would have caused the heater to increase in temp, i'm not so convinced.
  10. thanks ira. i'll test it some time this summer to see if it still works.
  11. i just realised i actually own a jager! i've had a large heater for a few years that came with a complete set up. its 300w so really big, it wouldn't have fitted in the tank i needed to buy a heater for today. it would fit in my main tank though if the jebo fails. would anyone be able to explain the temperature setting on it please? it has numbers 1-9.
  12. I looked at the Jager's but just couldn't afford it. I went to another pet shop to compare and see what ones they had (where I also returned the heater I had bought recently which wasn't working so good, they replaced), and ended up with a Rena as they were on special. It seems better quality than the aqua one heaters so I hope it worth the extra little bit of money. Its a 150w heater so I hope its good enough. The guy in the shop said I really needed a 200w which they didn't have in stock, it wouldn't have fitted in my tank I reckon! Maybe next time I need a heater I'll go for Jager, sell some fish to afford it haha. No fry for a few months now I expect but at least my trio seem well.
  13. i guess it depends how much extra, i will have a look. thanks 4 the recommendations.
  14. since i'm going heater shopping very soon which heater would you recommend? its for a 120L tank.
  15. my jebo heater seems to manage well. aquaone heaters have failed on me in the past but i have realised in time as its been gradual, they just all of a sudden can't maintain the temperature. i'm going to see if i can take back the heater i bought a month or so ago, thing is they never gave me a proper receipt at my pet shop.
  16. thanks everyone. 3 fish died, plus the fry. not the worst outcome. so when its sort of green inside the heater it means it is corroding? for one of my other tanks we bought a new heater about 1-2 months ago. its 90L and heater is 150w, it is corroding a bit inside and can't seem to go above 25 the last couple of weeks (its set at 27). Should I be worried about this heater too?
  17. i'd say this tank must've been getting warmer the last few hours. def not all day as i had been checking it lots cause of the fry. i'm glad your bn pair survived. gives me hope my trio do too. i think the water was about 40 degrees. is it the right thing to take out half the water and put back in cold? i couldn't think what else to do. this was an aquaone heater, probably 2 years old. pretty stressful situation but at least i realised before going to bed rather than the morning.
  18. 2 small heaters, should do until the morning. its not cold in here luckily. i hope my adult bn survive this horrible ordeal.
  19. its set at the same temperature as usual. its been in its current location for a year roughly. the inside of the heater (now removed of course) has gone green. tank is located in my dining room. close to another tank at a similar temp. time to get out the spare heaters now. i've heard of heaters cooking the fish from several people before. seems to be my fish turn today (
  20. I was just turning off my fish tank lights for the night, and was trying to see where my lovely little gba fry were. They hide behind the filter so I was leaning over the tank to see them, it felt very warm. We haven't had the lights on much lately but today its been on since lunch time. Seemed weird. I put my hand in the tank and it was pretty warm. Our fish are usually at 24 degrees roughly. This temperature was more like what I'd give my kids for a bath. The neons were dead, the bristlenose adults not looking very happy. I took about half the tank water out and replaced it with cold. Now the tank seems close to the right temperature, maybe 28. Its similar to my jewel tank which I think is at 27. Was trying to even out the temperature the right thing to do? What can I do for them now? I've lost my fry which is really sad, we've not had much luck with them lately. We have a trio of bristlenose adults, some juveniles too, a couple of baby swordtails, lots of guppies. I thought I'd lose them all if I didn't take action.
  21. just looking in my jewel tank and noticed that 2 of my 6 were defending a corner of the tank... and see some little babies swimming around. what do i feed them? thanks.
  22. thanks. i'm really pleased to hear that its normal for angels to do that! with most fish i've had if they start turning they eventually end up on their sides and usually not a good outcome.
  23. the tank lights are off at the moment. the tank is in a corner of the room and there is sunlight shining in at the moment. so is this why? they're not sick?! i was hoping i was being paranoid. i moved these guys to this particular tank a few days ago.
  24. We've had a couple of angel fish for about 2-3 weeks and i've just noticed over the last 24 hours that they are not always upright, sometimes a bit / or \ Is this normal? They are in a tank with bottom dwellers, ammonia and nitrite/nitrates all at zero, pH 6.4. Thanks.
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