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Everything posted by Smax

  1. Smax

    filter carbon

    hi everyone. is it essential to have carbon in one of the trays of my fluval? i read that it takes away the nutrients essential for plant growth. what i was thinking was replacing the carbon with peat or would that be a silly idea? any thoughts?
  2. hi. i've just brought a breeding pair of honey gourami and the female is quite fat with eggs. when they make their bubble nest thingy and have the babies what do i do? will they look after them or will they get eaten? they in with blue rams and guppies and neons and an angel fish.
  3. Smax

    guppy babies

    hi. i have 40 new born guppy in a tank by themselves and was wondering how oftern and what food others feed thier young to gain maximum size?
  4. hi does anyone around south canterbury breed blue rams? i'm looking for 2 or 3 females to go with my 2 males.
  5. hi i've got some sort of sword in my tank ( i think, got it from somrbody) and its leaves are getting to the top of the tank. what do i have to do to maintain it? and can i take a cutting and plant in another tank or will that not work?
  6. Smax


    i think its actualy an amazon sword. not sure how to upload a pic but thats what it looks like from other pics i've seen.
  7. Smax


    my plants have reached the top of my tank and i want to take cuttings and plant them in my new tank. how do i cut them and do i have to do anything to them before i plant them? the plants are Lysamachia, Ludwigia and Blue Hygrophila. i also have a nice looking fern thats doing well. am i able to take a cutting off that and plant it in my new tank? if so how do i do that as well?
  8. Smax

    Tank Mates

    what about my pleco will it clean up the eggs?
  9. Smax

    cloudy water

    i've just set up a new tank yesterday and the water is a bit cloudy. when i first put the water in i couldn't even see the back of the tank but now its almost clear but still a bit cloudy. hasn't changed much in the last 5 hours. is this something to worry about or will it clear???
  10. Smax

    Tank Mates

    hey there. i'm thinking of putting some blue rams in my new 4 foot tank and going to attempt to breed them. what would be a suitable tank mate for them? one person said to put them with tetras. would like another sort of cichlid or something. tank has good filtration and will be well planted. any sugestions???
  11. Smax

    4 foot tank

    probably keep blue rams or something along those lines
  12. Smax

    4 foot tank

    i've got a 4 foot tank i think its about 300l that i want to set up. what size filter should i have in this tank?
  13. hi guys. just got some brine shrimp eggs and was wondering how to hatch them and what i need. any ideas would be helpful thanks
  14. Smax

    help please

    i've just had a really good look in my tank and my flatmates (beavis and buthead) had put rubber bands right in the back corner in some plants. don't ya just hate it when people have no respect towards such beautiful creatures. still don't know what the white stringy stuff is though.
  15. Smax

    help please

    hi my tank has gone slightly murky and some of the plants have some white stringy stuff on them. what is this and what do i do??? can anyone help me please
  16. Smax

    guppy fry

    she only dropped 11 but she not very big and only bout 4 months old
  17. Smax

    guppy fry

    hey everyone. one of my guppies is giving birth. i got a floating breader yesterday and have placed her in it. i'm quite excited as this is my first time breeding any sort of fish. was just wondering how long it takes from the time she has the first baby till the time she has the last? and how many babies should she have on average
  18. hi i was just wondering if there are any breeders in timaru? not looking for anything specific. upgrading tank soon and not sure what to get
  19. Smax

    best filter???

    i'm looking at upgrading to a tank of about 300L and was wondering what a sutiable filter for that size would be. any help guys?
  20. i have a 60l tank with under gravel filter with 1 port hopplo, 1 red spot pleco, 2 clown loach, 8 neon tetra, 24 guppies and 1 platy. i was wondering if my tank is over crowded or can i add more fish?
  21. Smax

    black algae

    hey everyone. i've had an outbreak of black algae in my tank and was wondering how i get rid of it. i think it was because of too much light. i went down to the pet shop and they told me that a flyingfox is the only fish that will eat it. is there any other way of getting rid of it???
  22. Smax

    New Fish???

    thanks guys. my tank is only about 60L and is planted. it has an undergravel filter and another internal filter (not sure of the name). the water seems to be ok. all the tests would suggest so and i haven't lost any fish. i am going down to the river tomorrow or sunday to find a piece of wood to put in the tank. i have got a bigger tank of about 160L that is broken at the mo and i am planning to get it fixed. so i was thinking of shifting everything into that when i shift house in a couple of weeks. i was thinking of dawaf gouranis or swords.
  23. Smax

    New Fish???

    i have one hoplo catfish. i think that what it called. was going t oget another but the shop didn't have anymore.
  24. Smax

    New Fish???

    hey. i've recently set up a second tank with guppies and platies and neons. i want to put a few more fish in this tank. not sure what to get though. any ideas?
  25. Smax

    hey everyone

    the timaru clubpresident is Ian Rippin and the secretary is Gary Laird. both are in the fone book
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