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Everything posted by Haizel

  1. Haizel

    BN caves

    My BN's "cave" was the hollow back of a Venus de Milo statue! I spent ages trying to use driftwood and pipes but an old ornament did the trick. Amazing how they can cram themselves into such a small space. Trouble is I never see the males anymore.
  2. Hi, Last night spotted quite a large number of small white worms swimming freely in tank and attacching themselves to the tank sides. Saw fish trying to eat them and then spit them out. About 2-4mm long. Should I be worried. On Sunday bought 10 new fish from Animates, wonder if they came in the water used to transfer them? Fish look ok, worms were not on the fish? Any guidance appreciated. Thanks.
  3. they are all the same colour, all look like little Golden's.
  4. I never thought about cross-breeding- thanks for the tips people. Only about 6 have made it. God knows what I will do with them now?
  5. Really? Thats good to know. Thanks for the reply. The eggs must have been laid in a long pipe I have in the tank and I can't see inside it. Guess I'll just leave them to it then. Forgot to say I have 5 hyper-active Clown Loaches in the tank, about 4 inches long - would they scoff the babies?
  6. Hi, Appreciate this has probably been asked a million times but I have a pair of the Golden and "Common" BN's in my 70 gallon tank that also contains 3 very old Golden Barbs, a male betta, a couple of Black Widows and a few Harlequins and Neons (so loads of room in tank). Saw 2 baby BN's this morning being chased by the Betta, isolated the Betta and don't think the others (maybe the Barbs) will try and scoff them. so what next? Appreciate I probably should have tried to get the eggs and male out into another tank before they hatched but did not realise eggs had been laid. Do I just leave them in there and see what occurs or should I get the babies out? Don't expect to see the babies when I get home tonight but imagine if they bred once they will do so again, so any advice greatly received. cheers,
  7. In my experience Black Widows are the most boring fish I have ever kept, my 5 do nothing in a large spacious tank thriving with other fish. I want to get rid of them if anyone is interested.
  8. Haizel

    black algae

    can i use that with clown loaches in the tank, i got told they don't like the algae chems in the water?
  9. I don't think so, I don't hit them hard enough to dislocate their jaws. I have given up on this one, some things you just can't cure.
  10. ph is 6.8-7.0, 27.4 temp, has been like that for a year, never seen anything like it before, tetra has been like it for about 6 weeks now, still manages to feed but looks like something out of a horror movie. All the other 20 fish in the tank are thriving, including about 10 other tetra's.
  11. Its horrible to look at, little tetra been like this for a while and over the last year I have lost a Black Widow and several Tiger Barbs to the same thing. What is it?
  12. Need a big bit of wood for my new AQ 120 - all the shops I have been to so far don't have anything that big - any suggestions?
  13. just an update on my CL's - the five are doing brilliantly, we defo recommend at least 5, best fish I have ever bought, love cucumber and bloodworms, never hide really, always out and about.
  14. Going to buy one of these tanks, plan to gradually introduce Discus with my current fish (5 small clowns, a handful of danios and tetras, 5 Harlequins, 4 Black Widows, 3 very old Gold Barbs and a small BN. Does anyone see a problems with this and how many Discus would people recommend?
  15. Thanks for all the advice, I got 5 (very small ones) and have now had them for 9 days and they are all fine. Got some more wood and plants and they have loads of little places to hide in. All 5 congregate on one stone I have and just sit there and sometimes play dead, which worried me at first. So, all going well and a larger tank is on its way.
  16. ok, thanks for all this but would you learned people put 6 Clown Loaches in my tank or not, or how many if 6 is too many. I really want some, but want to do the right thing, and if you lot say my tank is too small then I won't, but I would have thought I could get some more fish - see my first post.
  17. Got 4 Borneo Suckers 2 years ago and got 2 left, 2 disappearred very recently. They seem fine, share time in slack water, on the plants and on the pump outlet. One crawled up it recently right into the filter and it was hell getting it out. Sounds like my tank is too small for 6 Clown Loaches, but 6 seems excessive?
  18. Hi, Got an AR8??? tank, 5 Harlequins, 3 Gold Barbs, handful of neon tetras, 4 Black Widows and a solitary fat platty, 2 borneo suckers and 3 danios. Saw some small clown loaches at Jansens on Sunday, never seen them before and they look great and I want some. Think I have plenty of room in my tank, which is very well cycled and been problem free for ages. Info at Jansens said Clowns like to shoal and I should get at least 3! Is this right, I think they can grow quite big, do I really need to get 3 as I think this will be too many for my tank (which I do plan to upgrade to an AR980? - if anyone knows any second-hand ones around). ta,
  19. Yeah, after having a look at some I tend to agree, just not sure I can afford a custom built tank.
  20. Thats great Gannet - know any Auckland stockists?
  21. What are peoples recommendations? I like the AR980, but its too small, something the same width but a foot or so Longer would be good?
  22. Hi, First post, be kind. I love Bettas, had great sucess with them in the past but have always kept them in relative isolation from other fish. I would like put a Betta into a large community tank, what fish would best be suited to go with them? thanks,
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