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Posts posted by bubblestank

  1. We discovered about 5 litres of water on the floor next to our tropical community tank last night and am puzzled to where it came from. After a quick check of the tank we couldnt find any cracks or leaks. The venturi had a few drops of water in it and have figured it must have been that.

    The tank has an air stone situated pretty close to the the pump intake. Could the air from the air stone have made the venutri back syphon? The tube from the air pump has a check valve and hadnt been turned off??


  2. Have just cleaned out my tank and seperated my large java fern into three plants.

    This is my Community tank before

    http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s190 ... 0_0133.jpg

    This is what it looks like now

    http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s190 ... altank.jpg

    Just wondering what Background plant I could put behind the wood on the left?? Its looking a bit bare. Tall plants tend to bend with the current and dont have enough Vallisneria to spread out along the back.

    Help! :o:):o:)

  3. Bought three new Orandas from Crystal Water fish farm in Upper Hutt today. Already showing headgrowth at 5months old.

    For any fan of fancy goldfish I recommend you go there. Lots and LOTS of healthy fish in ponds or vats in a huge shed. Awesome prices on fish and Jebo tanks. Plus a friendly owner :lol:

    Heres a few pics of the fish we bought.

    http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s190 ... bies-1.jpg

    http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s190 ... k/Fihn.jpg

    Its right next to Staglands. Cant miss it. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

  4. My male dwarf gourami died.

    In a previous thread i posted that he had a lump we couldnt diagnose.

    Since then it had burst so we put him in a quarantine tank with furan 2.

    He seemed to be getting better with the sore healing but found him head standing and half dead when we got home.

    Upon looking in the tank 5 mins ago found him floating at the top dead :cry::cry::cry:

    Since He was head standing, did he die of internal parasites and not the lump? Or both?

  5. finally went to hutt pets.

    Ive decided i want oscars after seeing them for the first time for sale in a store...so cute!!

    Tank and equipment prices are pretty good to.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. Yes i put it behind sum cabomba plant i have in the background in my tank.

    Felt a bit funny about attaching it to my venturi outlet in my jebo as I thought it may reduce the oxygen level in the tank (am still not sure)

    Have you had positive results attaching it to your venturi?

  7. Hey.

    Ive made a DIY Co2 unit with a 2L plastic bottle,tubing, check valve, yeast,sugar and warm water for my 20 gallon planted community tank,

    according to the Practical fishkeeping Magazine (UK).

    It said that bubbles would appear coming out of the tube after an hour or so but after 24 hours no bubbles were present coming out of the tube (i havent been able to find a bubble counter or coil in wgtn)

    If anyone has any tips regarding DIY Co2 units it would be greatly appreciated.

    http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... s/home.php

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  8. Ive had a pretty full on infestation of snails after buying some "tropical" plants from a certain pet store (not sure of species) Ive been a bit dubious about snail rid so have been squishing them when they've crawled up the front pane of my tank.

    Ive let the carcasses float to the bottom with my Neons/black neons and gouramis eating them and possibly my bronze corys.

    Just wondering if dead snails habour disease apart from adding ammonia to the tank by decompostion??

    If anyone has had some bad experiences from squishing snails id love to here back from you.

    Thanks :lol: :lol: :lol:

  9. The poor babies!!

    Most fish stores in the UK have signed a pledge against such practices.

    Im glad i havent seen/heard of them in NZ.

    Most studies have shown that fish that have been tattooed or dyed are prone to infection and are short lived.

    ...what humans do for beauty huh?!?!?!

  10. Have carried out a 10L water change (so i could fill the quarantine tank with water he's used too)

    He seems to be more happier in there than the community tank

    Since the lump has burst, it seems to have gotten alot smaller.

    His colour has improved to a really rich red colour like he was when we bought him.

    Thank you for comments...it has helped alot!! :bow::bow::bow:

  11. This is a pic of my male dwarf gourami with a lump (the white raised part)

    Have just discovered that it has burst and a yellowish pink pus like substance is coming out.

    I have moved him to a quarantine tank and am quite aware that if it is infectious, the bacteria from it is running through the community tank he came from.

    Have had quite a stressfull day and found my yellow molly dead when i came home. :cry::cry::cry:

    Does any body think that it IS infectious??

    http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s190 ... miLump.jpg

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