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Posts posted by jolliolli

  1. when i used to keep discus i always seemed to get recurring bouts of internal parasites, would treat they would disappear but return. I'm not sure if they can fight it off themselves.

  2. Reverse osmosis removes teh dissolved solids out of your tap water. They are not essential, i know reefers here in chch who don't use RO water for their reef tanks. My spare tank in the garage which has mainly soft corals and fish just has plain tap water, but i purify my water for my main tank which is where i keep my more sensitive corals.

    In terms of corals you would probably want to start out with some easier ones like some leathers and mushrooms and once they are growing well then look at branching out to hard corals SPS and LPS. These are more sensitive to water quality and require a bit more care (eg monitoring your mag, calcium and kH levels and dosing additives as required).

    In terms of the beginning your setup you'll either need to buy some dead rock and cure it which usually takes around 4 - 6 weeks, or you'll need to find someone selling live rock and use that. Benefit with live rock is you can start adding small fish etc immediately as the bacteria are still live. You still need to take care that you don't stock too quickly as there is likely to be some dieoff of bacteria during the time you get it and the time you put it in the tank.

    With regards to fish, you need to take care with what you select and the order you put the fish in. Some of the small hardy fish that beginners often choose aren't actually the best fish to go with (ie damsels, tomato clowns) as they can become the dominant fish in the tank. Small percula or ocellaris clowns are pretty good starter fish and they don't need an anenome to live in, in fact i wouldn't recommend getting one for at least 6 months to a year after your tank is setup

  3. just post your questions here and we can give advice. The red sea max tanks are nice all in one units but can be a bit limiting in the long run as you don't have the ability to upgrade parts easily. YOur most important pieces of kit for a marine tank are your lighting and skimmer and ensuring you have enough flow in the tank. What type of livestock are you looking to keep? fish only, full reef? softies and fish? these questions will determine what type of skimming/lighting etc that you need.

  4. good work phoenix. i had some similar but not pet related. Used to manage a video game retail store, our sony rep had his house broken into a few days earlier and a whole heap of electronics gear etc stolen. Guy comes in with a PSP a few days later and one of the employees recognises the background on the PSP as our sony reps. We stall the guy and get him to fill out a membership form, tell him its to get special freebies and benefits. Once he leaves we give his details to the cops, including all the photocopis of his id, address, phone number. A few days later they do a bust on the property and find all his stolen stuff. Weeheee, i love it when no-good thieves get what is coming to htem.

  5. :cry: so sorry to hear that sally, at least you tried, you did your very best and unfortunatley these things just happen sometimes :(. Did you have any liverock in the hospital tank and skimmer or was it just bare? i wonder if perhaps it was an infection rather than the surgery
  6. do you know the tds of the water from your tap? the answer sort of depends on that. If you are only keeping soft corals you could probably be fine using tap water. I keep two sW tanks, one is my main tank which is predominantly hard corals and I use DI water for that, the other tank has just some soft corals in it (mushrooms, leathers etc) and i just use tap water for that and it ha been fine. But the quality of chch water is probably better than the water in Auckland. ALso your tank will be more sensitive to poor water quality as you are only keeping a nano, bigger the tank, bigger the dilution of contaminants.

  7. Flaunting the rules?! I stated that Redwood Aquatics DID NOT have them in stock but they would be stocking more if the were allowed back on the MAF list, possibly in a few months.

    think you should re-read my post

  8. I was in Redwoods on the weekend and I heard Bob saying the lawnmowers aren't on the allowed list at the moment. However the MAF list is being reviewed and I heard him saying they may be coming in the next few months.

    I feel for you, my lawnmower blennie is my favourite fish and you just can't beat them for personality. Mine also likes to sit in your hand :)

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