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  1. :lol: good thing its gonna be a tropical tank then lol
  2. I dunno but I'm so jealous you have galaxy rasboras
  3. You mean like the 1000 GPD RO System, reservoir and the hard plumbing needed just for the water changes and that all up it's gonna cost more than some peoples homes? It's gonna be a long hard road but it'll be so worth it.
  4. Just out of curiosity (and possibly stealing great ideas) what would others do with a tank this size if money wasn't an issue???
  5. I love clown loaches that's why they'll get to go in the big tank
  6. Um I'm not sure of details yet cos I've only just started planning. It's gonna be the largest of three tanks in the room. I was thinking angels and discus as the main fish with roseline sharks, some other middle dwelling fish that I haven't decided on yet, loaches, cories and SAE. One of the smaller tanks is going to be dedicated to tetras and the other to cichlids.
  7. Title says it all... I'm too tired to figure it out myself :oops: Thank you
  8. My mum is ready to set up her first planted tank. She was going to use JBL Florapol but the LFS say that it has been discontinued. So any suggestions on what she should use?
  9. :lol: My brother has zero interest in fish keeping and even he laughed at that tank being called large. My first tank was 12lt :oops: :oops: :oops: and I successfully kept three goldfish in there until one was 15cm :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: then I bought a massive 50lt :oops: :lol: :oops: . I finally did some research (instead of trusting the lfs people. The fish got sold back to the store and I'm waiting to get my 300lt (landlord would flip if I got anythign bigger). Here's hoping the person on trademe will soon learn and quickly graduate to much larger tanks.
  10. Yup those are the ones thanks
  11. Brown ramshorns with distinct darker spots.
  12. Anyone know much about them???
  13. How many gallons are we talking here or what are the tank measurements. The local chinese store call their 20 gallon tank a decent size and they have 9 goldfish and a pleco in there
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