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Posts posted by Paul07

  1. You can try feeding cockroaches, they can be easily breed in a empty fish tank. If you don't want to feed them live, you can steam them with a hot air gun and a bowl of water. anything above 40 degrees will cause the cockroaches cells from be able to function. Arows love them :lol: 8) 8) :lol:

  2. We have a 1800x435x435 tank in 6mm, with "euro" bracing top and bottom, and it is fine. Very strong, filled to within 3cm of the top, and houses a swiftly-growing arowana and a big plec. From what I can see of the response from the seller, ours is built similar to theirs.

    Our house is very busy, with four children aged 3.5 to 12, and the tank is always getting tapped or knocked or having stuff put on the top of it. It's been up a while now, and no problems. Warrens calculator says a safety factor of 2.25.

    However, it's not like it's struck with a hammer on a daily basis or anything :o , and I wouldn't want to go much higher in 6mm especially over such a length or it would be messy.

    Most Aquarium builders use a safety factor of 4, I calculated for a standard 2 foot tank in 6mm and the sf is around 8.

    So a sf of ~2 could be risky, but depends mostly on the quality of the glass . Would take care not to get any chips as these can be high stress locations

    causing critical failure.

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