i used salt water. the LFS said it was ok to use tonic salt. i just checked and there seems to be a wee few hanging in the middle but not as many as photos i have seen. whereas the top of the water is covered in eggs or whatever it is. i have no idea how to tell if the eggs are viable. it's a 25gm box from Aqua Chem, that cost me 45 bux. i'll be pissed if the eggs aren't viable. they were just sitting on the shelf in the shop.
I have said before Alan, balfour is in the middle of nowhere between gore and queenstown. i live on a dairy farm with (big breath) hubby, 4 kids, 520 cows, 25 calves, pair of quakers(birds), pair of ringnecks(birds), a rabbit named chooch, a rainbow lori named Nemo, a pair of black masked lovebirds, 2 cats(tabby and skittles), 2 dogs(joe and mack), 1 plec(charlie),15 neons, 3 angelfish, 1 red tipped shark, guppies, platies, mollies, 2 corydoras, 2 zebra danios, one swordtail and 2 clown loaches(yin and yang). i don't think i left anybody out.