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    New Zealand Balfour

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  1. Hi all, i have been looking all over the net for info on keeping my big plec with discus. my plec is about 20cm long and at the mo he has a 150ltr tank all to himself. i have four 3cm discus in another tank, with four 6cm discus coming in the next few days and i'm hoping to put them all in the big tank with the plec but all info i have found is conflicting. alot of people keep bristlenose plecs with discus, whle others have had problems keeping plecs and discus together. can i just have some good old nz opinions on this matter please. Thanks in advance
  2. when i first heard it i thought my tank was leaking somewhere. after frantic searching by myself and the kids i was so relieved. lol
  3. Congrats Conaquavict. Good luck.
  4. i think it has around 200 litres.
  5. hi all, happy new year. anyway i have been crowing to all that would listen about my beautiful seven angel fry. a friend of mine who i haven't seen for a few months visited yesterday and straight away i showed her my babies......she looks in the tank, looks at me and says they're not angel babies! they look like zebra danios. then everything fell into place.........i had been wondering when angel fry would start turning circular(lol). i had a pair of danios in with my pair of angels as dither fish and i noticed the female was very fat but i thought it highly unlikely that they would be able to fertilise the eggs let alone lay any as i was sure them or the angels would scoop them up straight away. so i had completely dismissed the idea of having danios babies and because these were my first lot of angel fry i had no idea what they look like. so y'all can have a wee giggle at my expense as my husband and friend got a real belly laugh out of it.
  6. ludimac

    Angel eggs

    Hi aqua, congrats. exactly the same thing happened to me and i had to ask on this forum whose eggs they were. i had no clue. anyway my first lot of eggs got eaten by the parents and so i moved them to a tank of their own and after their next lot of eggs became wigglers, i removed mum and dad. i have now got 7 babies who are ten times the size they were when they were born, all thanks to the people of this forum. without advice from these people, none of my babies woulld have survived. i am very grateful. but one thing you have to know in advance, make sure you have baby brine shrimp to feed the babies. i could not hatch any for days after the babies became free swimming and i think i lost a lot that could have been saved. good luck and let us know how it goes.
  7. Hi all. i'm just curious how y'all do your w/c. hubby has been trying to rig up something but is out of ideas. right now i use the gravel cleaner siphon while one of the kids(whichever one's annoyed me the most) lugs the buckets a couple of metres to the nearest sink. is there an easier way? what sort/size joinings etc? i'm assuming garden hose is involved.
  8. well i have had a successful hatching...wooooo hooooo. i put eggs and water in coke bottle and floated in my main tank, and have got bbs. i am annoyed at LFS for selling me other hatchery but i will try it with different eggs. surely LFS should know what works and what is crap. oh well, lesson learnt.
  9. wow...Penejane, that looks super. by the sounds of it i have cooked them, oh well i'm off to start another batch and i've sent hubby off to make a contraption. thanks so much.
  10. thanks Penejane...i'll definately keep you in mind. the closest LFS is East road pets in Invers and that's still an hour away so shooting off to the shop is a whole day job. what sort of fish do you sell? do you have a list somewhere? back to the bbs..i used a 100w light bulb for a while but it kept overheating and switching off so now no heat. i suppose i'll just do some more waiting.
  11. i used salt water. the LFS said it was ok to use tonic salt. i just checked and there seems to be a wee few hanging in the middle but not as many as photos i have seen. whereas the top of the water is covered in eggs or whatever it is. i have no idea how to tell if the eggs are viable. it's a 25gm box from Aqua Chem, that cost me 45 bux. i'll be pissed if the eggs aren't viable. they were just sitting on the shelf in the shop. I have said before Alan, balfour is in the middle of nowhere between gore and queenstown. i live on a dairy farm with (big breath) hubby, 4 kids, 520 cows, 25 calves, pair of quakers(birds), pair of ringnecks(birds), a rabbit named chooch, a rainbow lori named Nemo, a pair of black masked lovebirds, 2 cats(tabby and skittles), 2 dogs(joe and mack), 1 plec(charlie),15 neons, 3 angelfish, 1 red tipped shark, guppies, platies, mollies, 2 corydoras, 2 zebra danios, one swordtail and 2 clown loaches(yin and yang). i don't think i left anybody out.
  12. o poop...thanks caryl. i thought they gathered at the bottom of the bottle. guess i'm off to take another look.
  13. hi all. some of you may remember i had some angel fry hatch the other day and i've been running round like a headless chicken trying to get them some bbs. well the crappy "shrimpery" the LFS sold me has been set up for 2 and a bit days(since saturday night) and on advice from this forum i got hubby to build a hatchery from a coke bottle,it is aerated, and it's been set up for 1 and a bit days(since sunday night). i turned aeration off this morning and when the water settled is was clear at the bottom. there is no movement yet from the LFS hatchery, which has no aeration. just wondering if this is normal? and if by some freaky chance some have hatched, how long is too long to leave them in the hatchery? i have searched all over web and it looks like i'm doing it right but just no bbs!!!! i have been giving fry teeny tiny bits of Novo Baby by JBL but it's so hard to tell if they're actually getting any. please help me and my fry!
  14. lol amazonian...i tried to look at your posts but they're full of the fun games...lol. green water? wjhat do you mean by that? and how often do you think i should change the water? right now the fry have a 120 tank all to themselves but in the future i will have to put them into a nursery net as hopefully a pair of convicts will be joining them.
  15. they just amaze me but i'm wondering how you can tell if they are actually getting any of the food?
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