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Everything posted by fishdish

  1. My platy is very fat staying on the bottom and breathing heavily is she about to have fry or is it an illness
  2. Thank you don't see any pinecone effect breathing quite heavily
  3. I have a platty which has developed a big stomach and is staying on the bottom of the tank and is breathing heavily i would like to hear that it is pregnant but not sure what do you think cheers Joy
  4. Sorry I would like to know that myself may be someone can tell us I have tried the pea he will not eat anything his scales are sticking out round his belly I can see them with a magifying glass not down by his tail though
  5. Tried some frozen food no go I noticed his scales are protruding a little bit the pet shop told me if it is dropsy you would see the scales sticking out before the stomach got big is that right or not
  6. My little Charlie a male betta developed a swollen stomach it is not dropsy he has been like this for over a week now I put aquarium salt in the tank made no difference I took him out of the main tank and put him in a bowl in a warm place there is still no difference all the other fish are healthy as. He was beinging harrased by 1 or 2 of the black widow tetras they would nip his fins but not a lot as his fins are still quite long I have not seen him eating either each time I come home from work I expect Charlie to be dead but he dosen't want to die he is still very lively I don't know weather to put him back into the main tank I can't leave him in a bowl what should I do help cheers Joy
  7. Thank you Sharn I think I will stick to my community for a while longer I would not like to put any fish or myself under stress maybe one day I will look at getting a bigger tank and some discus cheers Joy
  8. my tank is a AR 980 I have 2 clown loaches, 2 bristlenose, 2 cat fish 2 red tailed sharks, 3 sword fish, 4 glass fish, 5 neons, 6 plattys, 6 black widow tetras and 1 betta. do I have any room for 4 discus if not what do you suggest I give away and what should I keep my tank is 215 ltrs I have gravel rocks plants which brings it down to about 175 ltrs of water more or less cheers Joy :roll:
  9. I can get 4 thinking of 2 reds and 2 blues what do you think
  10. I can give my Betta to a friend if I see any problems my tank temp is around the 27 mark but I would like to be able to keep him if I can thank you for your replys cheers Joy
  11. Hi I have a community tank and would like to get 2 discus to start with to see how they go I also have a betta splendid and was told not to mix Betta's guppy's and discus as the discus get jeolous true or false cheers Joy
  12. Thank you guys I now don't have to worry anymore cheers Joy
  13. Hi I have a PH level of 7.2 I have a community tank is this still safe or should I get it back to 7 how alkaline can a community tank get before it is dangerous cheers Joy
  14. He is not stressed my tank is just over 4ft and he seems to be able to get away from them and he does stand up for himself it doesn't really seem to bother him all that much his fins were really beautiful when I first got him best looking Betta in the shop I am still thinking on what to do maybe take the tetra's back I think there is only 1 or 2 doing it my Betta is always out in front of the tank he never hides I have 5 plattys,5 cardinals,2 cat fish,2 sucker fish,2 clown loaches,and 3 sword fish they are all happy
  15. God that makes me so sad I love my Betta and in saying that I have 4 beautiful black widows what do I do help help
  16. Yes you could be right so what sort of danger is my Betta Splendid in from loosing his fins
  17. They are not angelfish I know what they look like
  18. I can't remember what sort of fish he is I actually have 4 of them they are silver and black have a sort of a roundish body there bottom fin is black and starts at the middle of the body and goes to the tail tail is silver the the top fin is also black the other black parts are 2 stripes running down from behind the head to the belly the fish are about an inch or a little more long
  19. Thank you for that I will keep an eye on naughty and if he is still nibbling I may have to take him back to the shop Joy
  20. Tell me someone Betta Splendid if there fins have been nibbled at by one little naughty fish will his fins grow back they were so long whan I first got him naughty seems to be leaving him alone now he hasn't done too much damage just nibbled about 1/4 of an inch off cheers Joy
  21. Thank you guys yes I see it is the length :roll:
  22. This may sound silly but is a AR 980 mean this tank is 980 liters cheers Joy
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