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Posts posted by Syphonator

  1. Thank you for all those members for turning up at the last meeting. In March Sunday 22nd we are heading for a road trip to Hamilton to visit some of the LFS over there. We are meeting at Mossops Honey Shop at Tauriko at 9.30am and then heading over to Hamilton. We will have a coffee after looking at some of LFS then make our back with a possible stop in Cambridge. If you are interested please Pm me to let us know for numbers. Open invite to any Hamilton members who would like to join up with us., :bounce:

    Cheers Jim Sytema


    Mike Sytema


  2. sori photo didn't load properly for me thanks LA for fixing it, got it the other day from LFS, as a birthday present. He is colouring up nicely, and eating well loves silverbeet and carrots and have been giving it baby apples and he really enjoys that.

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