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Posts posted by Dan

  1. used melafix and seemed to clear it up over a few days, but now have moved and the cloudy patches are back. It looks like its from laying about on the bottom of the tank but not sure. it dosent seem to be bothering them though, just dosent look very nice. I will try the Mellafix again

  2. Hi all, :o

    Im about to move from the Bay of Plenty to Marlborough. a removal company will be moving the house hold stuff and actual tank.

    I was planing on putting the fish in a chilli bin with water from the tank and taking the canister filter and heater with me.

    it will be about 8 hours traveling in the car plus the ferry ride. we may stop over night somewhere and if so i will put the filter and heater into the chilli bin and do a small part water change.

    likewise when we get down south it will be a few days to a week before the tank is set up again so i will do the same with water changes ever couple of days as the chilli bin is only about 10-15 litres and they are used to a 180 litre tank.

    Are the fish likely to survive, the trip and /or living in a chilli bin?

    Is this the best way to do it? :bounce:

    fish are:

    3 x clown loaches.

    1 x red tail black shark,

    1x silver shark

    some ciclids (sp) 2 x adults and some (aprox 4) small ones.

    1 x small plec

    1x small bristlenose

    1 x small chinese algae eater

  3. Hi all,

    Is it ok not to do gravel vacs on a planted tank as this would disturb plants, would the plants use the "detritus" as compost?

    Another thought was to use a under gravel filter plates hooked up tho an external canister to draw water through the gravel and "suck out all the crap" into the filter, would this work?

  4. Hi, Ive just set up a new 180 liter tank. so far it is stcked with 2 Platys, 4 neons 1 Red tailed Black Shark and 1 Bristile nose. all fish are very small

    the Black shark and one of the Platys have been flashing off the gravel substrate and drift wood.

    Is theis a problem? i.e. Disease related or just scratching?

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