My Tank in the UK was 4' x 18" x 18", plus sump. Cant recall whats its volume was. Its was quite successful in some respects and it was very much a learning experiment and went through several incarnations over a couple of years.
My worst mistake was letting my LFS convince me to put a plenum under the live rock and substrate, when that had not been my starting intention. Sure enough my nitrate reading went through the roof and I couldnt get them down.
I stripped tank down, removed plenum and re-estbalished a 2" coral sand base, with the live rock, and the nitrate level dissappeared.
I had an auto top system pumping RO water through a kalkwasser stirrer, on a night timer and triggered by a float switch in sump. This generally worked well, until one night it failed on and pumped entire weeks worth of kalkwasser over in one night. Not a pretty sight next morning.
I also ran a Calcium reactor during daylight hours, controlled by a solenoid on a timer. Only problem was I got a bit of a rickety secondhand CO2 system from Germany. I never seemed to able to get a steady drip with it, it either stopped, or poured though. Quite frustrating.
I had two 150w metal halides over the tank, but i found the cooling fans very noisy in operation, so tank was relegated to dining room, too noisy in lounge. I couldnt afford nor had space for a chiller.
One of the bonuses to my new house build is that I have already budgeted for Aircon, so should keep the room the tank is in, cool. That would be a relief.
I did at one point back in UK consider upgrading to a 8' x 36" x 24", as a through room feature between lounge and study. But the quotes became astronomical. I aslo dread to think what the power costs would have been...
I did get a new tank custom built in the end; 4' x 2' x 2'. It had two weir overflow towers; one in each rear corner of tank. It also was drilled with returns at the rear towers but also one return at each front corner of tank. The idea had been to direct these front return pipes across front of rock face, conceal then behind small pieces of rock themselves and have the return connected via wave maker so it would pulse back and forth across front of tank. I was trying to get away from having powerheads visable in main tank. I wanted all maintenance of pumps from sump cupboard undearneath main tank.
But this tank was sold before ever seeing if it would work.
If I do get back into reef tanks again, I've got heaps of ideas buzzing around me head still!
I also would hope to attach a caulerpa filled refugium (sump#2) to help further drop nitrates and phosphates naturally.
Oh, can you get Rowaphos in NZ? I found it excellent at dropping phosphates.
Ok I am probably babbling now...please forgive!