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Everything posted by 4sticks

  1. http://www.stuff.co.nz/0a15375.html then click on Chimp in daring zoo break-out
  2. If you are from Morrinsville what water do you use for water changes? Town supply or rain? How do you find the ph & hardness? All info appreciated
  3. Do the all white angle fise go blinde? or loose there sight?
  4. I had some water tested to day by a fish shop, but he would not test it. just said it would be ok & it would not be a problem. but i have been advised otherwise.
  5. we want ot get our water tested for 'hardness'. Anyone know how this is done or even better, anyone know of someone in Morrinsville ara that can test for this. thanks
  6. Ph is ok. I spoke to a fish shop in Rotorua to day & there susgestion was hard water, as Gouramis don't like hard water. The air bubbles from the air curtain are going 1/2 way around the tank before popping which he said was another sign of hard water. many thanks for all your help.
  7. Not spraying anything at night. We are running 1 300w heater, temp at the moment is 28oC. the tank size is approx 0.900Lx0.470Wx0.500H.The fish appear normal the night before, I normaly feed them in the morning & the morning before they feed normaly. The last I fish 1 pearl/lace Gourami that died I notised a small slight red colour underneath the body just before the tail fin.
  8. I assume the substrate was all thoroughly washed when you set the tank up again after removing the UGF?--------yes the tank was in storage for about 1 year after moving & fully washed. By the way Caryl the driftwood from Rarangi beach. We have 8 Neon tetras 3 zebras & 1 pearl/lace Gouramis & 3 small algae eaters & 4 angles 2 small black 1 large black & 1 large White. it has been mainly pearl/lace Gouramis & golden Gouramis that have been dieing. Of lately I have notised the large black angle has been bossing the large white angle a lot mostly when the light comes on in the morning. the white one will eather go & hide or sit there with its head/mouth facing straight up & hardly move while it is being terrorised.
  9. The wood has been in there for 5 months & the problem ths just started in the last mounth
  10. Hi I have been having trouble...my fish are dying during the night (tropical fish). In the last three weeks have had four die with two of those in last two days. Had water tested yesterday and showed nothing. Do water changes weekly (approx 20%) and nothing obvious showing wrong. Running a Jebo cannister filter, approx seven months old. Had fish in Christchurch for approx 18 months and only ever lost one but here death is upon us!! Only difference in setup, in Chch had an under gravel filter and now have cannister filter, and piece of wood off beach which didn't have before. Water quality in general does not seem to be as good here as Chch either. Any ideas or help, anyone have similar problems?? Thanks
  11. Hi I have Thick green algae growing on my plants & now it is starting to grow on the drift wood. It is deap green. moss/valvet like texture. the pH is about 7.2, Temp 28-29 c, Light on for 14 hrs, next to a south facing ranch slider. How do I stop this green algae Thanks Murray
  12. no have 10 tetra neons 2 angles & 7 guppys this is the only fish with the with white spots
  13. The spots are big & white they are not red in colour> Thanks
  14. Hi Is this what you call White Spot?? http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/vmstick/
  15. This is how I was told to do it. I asked about just feed the tank with flakes but they said no, I asked filter media & they said dont bother, I asked about additives & was told dont worry So I done what I was told
  16. I think 200L 3 new Plants Each about 250mm
  17. On Wednesday I Filled Tank With Water (It has been in storage for over a year) Saterday we added 10 neon tetras. I have just got & am running a Jebo819 filter When should I do my first 20% water change & how offen after that Thanks Murray
  18. Just setting up a new tank (tropical fish) and wanting to know what plants people are using.
  19. Where is the best place to buy fish ect in the Waikato around the Hamilton, Morrinsville Area?? As I'm setting up a Tank & am new to the area Any local knowlege would be great Thanks
  20. Hi Just bring the tank 200l approx out of storage it has 1 Eheim 2008 Internal Filter, under-gravel filter with three rises. Was think of removing the under-gravel filter & putting a canister filter. I have seen these 2 type of filters Aqua One & Fluval what is the pros & cons on these two or ts there a another type to consider? don't want to spnd more than I have to Thanks Murray
  21. Thanks "sharn" for your reply
  22. Hi When in Christchurch we had a tropical set up Tank L 900mm X W 4oomm X H 500mm. 1 Eheim 2008 Internal Filter, under-gravel filter with three rises. Mozambique Mouthbrooders x 2, golden guamis x 2, neos x 10, platties x 6, angels x 3, asian glass fish x 2, and 'Ugly' the algae eater. Moved north and considering setting up again, am interested in a pair of discus, wondering what to put with them?? any ideas/suggestions?? Thinking about getting into breeding and selling but not sure what to do, wher to start.....any help?? Our area has a high chlorine content, never had this problem in Christchurch just used water straight from tap, what do we need to do, or do others do in this situation??
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