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    Auckland Region

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  1. I'll give it a day or two and see if he does continue to shrink, if not then I'll try the bathing method with him alone to see if it helps further. At least he doesnt look quite like he wants to burst now though he still looks like a floating butterball !
  2. due to the fact it was the easiest way of doing it and it does seem to of helped, all the fish actually had a good 'cleanout' including Nemo the bloated one, he has come down in size, but is still quite bloated. I was wondering if this can be done more than once, say if a partial water change was done and the treatment done again, or would that put too much stress on all the fish ? Its only been 24 hours since it was done, perhaps he will come down a little more by himself. Thanks again for the advice so far, it was so appreciated, by me and the fish
  3. for your replies and all that information. I'll print it out at work tonight and try the epson salt and perhaps the peas again and cross my fingers that it will help the poor thing. He is going to be rehomed away from work shortly which hopefully will help, as it wasnt a good environment for the fish to start with, too much flourescant lighting which was causing the tank to be too warm and encouraging algae growth, not to mention the smell. I'll post how this turns out when there has been some change
  4. I dont know what type of fish, these are kept at my work, and I mainly care for them, I took 3 weeks off, and in that time the other staff managed to overfeed to a disgusting amount, and allow the water to become filthy. They did contact Jansens pet shops about this, and were told to feed them just peas for a week, if this was right or wrong I dont know, but when I saw the fish (just one of them out of 4 is bloated) I just about threw up. He is bloated to the stage of being round, and it looks like his skin/scales has split in one area. The tank has been cleaned since all this occurred and other staff have told me that he was much worse last week ... I'm devestated over this, as this fish was the first of some bought by our bosses as an xmas present last yr, I was off work over that time, I came back to all the fish dead except one, nemo (yes I know corny name, but it suits him) he survived when all the others didnt, and for months everyone said he wouldnt make it, but I worked with them all, and gave them diff types of feeds, protein and vege and tetrafin flakes, and now I take time off and this happens. I'm devestasted, but not willing to give up on this fish, silly as it sounds, hes just such a fighter. I dont think he has dropsy or anything, I believe due to the food intake its indigestion. My workmates did the peas thing but I saw a thread on here which mentioned epson salts, and read elsewhere which talked about giving cooked greens such as spinach or fruit. What do I do to save him ? I dont believe its catching, the other fish are fine, and he had a minor case of this before which fixed itself. Please tell me measurements for Epson Salts, should he be seperate from the others while this is done ? I use tonic salt on them but I realise this is different. If I do cooked greens such as spinach or fruits what type should I use when it comes to fruit ? Sorry I know this is a very long email, but I've had all these awful thoughts running through my head, this poor thing looks as though he wants to pop, and its making me ........
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