Hi there, Have discovered white spot on our pond fish. I am very new at this so have alot of questions! (Pond was 'inherited' with a proprety purchase)
Can I treat this in the winter or will the water be too cold to have much success? (ie: will the parasite largely be dormant?)
Was hoping to treat with sea salt as per recommendations on KoiVet.com but don't know enough about the lifecycle at a cold temp. Pond water will be at most 8 deg. C... possibly less (I'm in Christchurch).
The other thing is.. there are only 5 fish! Should I bring them indoors and treat them? Then wait to treat the pond until spring? I don't have any indoor tanks or pumps so I would have to 'invest' in some which I'd rather not do at this stage if I can avoid it. If indoor treatment is the answer what temp. would I have to get the water to to be successful?
Also how would the salt affect water lilies and marginals (acorus, arum, milfoil, babies tears, papyrus, irises)? Would I be better of removing these and treating with something else? (Formalin, Potassium Permangenate?) Or would removing the fish break the lifecycle and avoid the need to treat the pond?
Any help would be appreciated.