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Everything posted by venustus

  1. So far, so good with my new trio. They are looking much happier than they did when I got them.
  2. :oops: Sorry about that, I guess it "reposted" when I edited it. I'll have to remember that. I only saw it posted once on my end. :roll:
  3. OK, I'll take the bait... Why is your delete finger getting so sore??? :lol:
  4. Yes it's Melafix here in the states also , and it's wonderful stuff! I keep a large bottle on hand (Just in case!) Good Luck!
  5. Actually, while waiting for replies, I went looking around and found an interesting site: http://www.saltcorner.com/sections/zoo/mollies.htm The article states: I'd sure love to see a 6 inch Molly!
  6. Don't think I haven't thought of that! :lol: But cost of a divorce would cut into my "fish money" :bounce:
  7. Just a tip: Watch your water temp. closely. When the set up is closed like that, heat from the lighting can gradually build. One day everything is fine, the next your fish are cooking Sadly, this is from experience! Now I leave the lid open, which in turn was bad for my firefish who did a swan dive out of the tank when chased by my clown fish The smaller the set up, the quicker it can happen!
  8. For me it is a matter of "tank real estate" :lol: I currently have 6 tanks going (4 fresh & 2 salt), Hubby stated "If you set up one more tank, I filing for divorce!" (since that was 2 tanks ago, I'd better not push my luck!) My daughter's friend's mother is tired of taking care of them and ready to "dispose" of them. The only available space I have right now is a 12 gal nano with live rock and a few soft corals (which I don't have room for in my other salt tank, otherwise I would make it a fresh nano). At this point I think converting to salt is better than the alternative!
  9. Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've visited. I'm looking for comments and/or opinions on converting Mollies from freshwater to saltwater. I've read about it, and actually seen it done at a few LFS. Has anyone had any experience with it? If so, what were the results? I've read that occassionally this happens in nature (creeks or streams flood with saltwater and they adapt). But no where have I read or heard any "long term" results. In nature, I would think the habitat would eventually revert back to freshwater as rainwater accumulatesand flushes the saltwater out.
  10. I tried it after reading the article, and they all ate just like they usually do. Haven't done it long enough to notice a difference. :lol:
  11. Yeah, but then you'll have fish with bad breath! :lol: Do they make "Tic Tac's" for fish? :roll:
  12. I was reading an interesting article "Garlic versus 'Marine Ich'"http://www.reefs.org/library/article/h_cortes-jorge.html One paragraph just struck me funny And I had a flashback of the old horror films where someone holds up a clove of garlic and the vampire runs off cowering in the corner! :lol: OK, I'm bored at work :oops: and I think the heat is getting to me! :bounce:
  13. How long after the water change before you tested it? Some water conditioners (Amquel) will give you a "false" ammonia reading. It will usually read acurate after about 24 hours.
  14. Fishboi Actually, once you start the suction, you can turn the water off. I wouldn't trade mine for anything!
  15. These are the blue one's http://www.thatpetplace.com/MainPro/Itemdy00.aspx?T1=F15EA%200504%200041 These are the green ones (much better made!) http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcat So if you happen to find a green one for the price of a blue one then it would be a really good deal! Either way that are worth the investment!
  16. Another note: I looked at http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pets-animals/Fish/Pumps-filters/auction-64837390.htm They show the green one, but it states the ones being sold are the blue ones. The green ones are made much better, I've had to replace several parts on my blue one. I replaced the with parts from the green one, much better quality!
  17. I've been using one of these for 3 years now, they are wonderful! I just slowly drip dechlorinator as I'm filling. Never had any problems. Note: I don't know how the water treatment plants work there, but here (in the US) a lot of them use Chloramines which DO NOT evaporate out. I don't take chances, I treat all water!
  18. I currently have: 1 Royal Pleco - Panaque nigrolineatus 1 Tiger Pleco - Panaque sp. (L002) 1 Gold nugget Pleco - Baryancistrus sp. (L081) 2 Clown Plecos - Panaque cf. maccus 1 Synodontis eupterus 1 Hypostomus borellii 1 Bronze Corydora 3 Unknown Corydoras I had 1 Beautiful Queen Arabesque Pleco - Hypancistrus sp. (L260) It decided it didn't want to stay in my tank! Would love to locate a Blue eyed Pleco - Panaque cochliodon, but I'm told they are no longer available Comes from war torn region, too dangerous to collect.
  19. My friend Barbie from http://www.fishaholics.org suggested posting them at http://www.planetcatfish.com/core/ if you want a specific ID. It's also a pretty cool site anyway.
  20. Here's one on hurricanes, might help http://news.com.com/Podcast+New+ties+between+global+warming+and+hurricanes/2324-11424_3-6087018.html or this one might be better http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2006/s1559329.htm Good Luck!
  21. I hope you don't mind, but I posted in another forum and asked Barbie. This lady knows more about catfish/plecos than anyone I've ever come across She may answer here, if not I'll let you know what she says.http://www.fishaholics.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=17564#17564
  22. After the "deed" is done, actually I prefer to plant them in my garden. They make great "plant food"
  23. Jude, I was just joking with Fishboi Cheers Caryl, My neon would have popped like a water balloon! :roll:
  24. Fishboi, I realize about half the world hates US. But I didn't expect to see it in a Fish Forum. I'm not familiar with the book quoted, but I'm confident that quote was from the "What not to do" section. Ash T, Would that be the same thing as a garbage disposal? Eeewwwww! Spidersweb, I agree, I NEVER flush anything still alive! And as you could see from my posts "Bloated Black Neon" I will try anything within reason to save my "little buddies". But sometimes you can just tell when there's coming back. When that happens, I prefer the freezer method also.
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