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Posts posted by maran

  1. So summary on my moving fish tank business.

    On the day moving, 2 hours before moving the tank, emptied all but just 2 cm of water with the gravel, plant and some of the fish including Kribs.

    Loaded the fish tank with the stand (which is steel with wood and polystyrene for the tank to sit on) on to the trailer (hard bit was carry the whole lot to the trailor, which took 3 of us).

    Some of the Kribs were struggling as tank was sitting in a slight angle and not much water was around them.

    Then unloaded the tank 10 min later. Fill the water quickly (half of it was the water from tank taken out initially).

    So far-All fish alive

    All plants are good.

    No leak

    But it was stessful for fish and me!!!!! :o

    Next time if I am moving (esp if a longer distance), I might just empty the tank and move!

  2. Thanks for the advice.

    My tank set up is bit unconventional.

    It does have an undergravel filter, but it only runs at the lowest filtaration most of the time.

    Despite it being UGF, I got the tank heavily planted, some is little pots and some straight into UGF gravel.

    I turn up the UGF only if i am too busy to clean the cannister filter and flow is starting to slow down.

    =>So i really want to move the tank with gravel in place. Probably thats what I will do.

    I might leave 1cm of water for the brsistle noses.

    I will find a plank of wood, or might move the tank with its standand chuck the whole thing in the van. Have to see how heavy is the stand + tank emptied to 1inch level in real time.

    As a backup I do have another tank I run in my brother's house which is only 10 minutes away. It is much larger (500L), so if things go wrong atleast the fishies can go there.

    Will feed back on the happennigs and will check the thread to see any more advice or warnings beforehand.

    Thanks again.

  3. Hello all,

    I am moving houses (3 blocks down the road) this weekend. I got a tank measuring 100cm by 30 cm base, with UGF and gravel. Planted tank.

    I was hoping to move the tank with gravel in place+1inch of water to keep the bristlenoses alive as they are difficult to catch.

    -Is it reasonable

    -what precautions should i take

    -has others done it this way before.

    the glass is 6mm wide.


  4. I am sorry SW.

    The finteresting thing is (for me any how), you would think these are ornamental fish and you will never get attached to it. But you do, even to the , littlest, unconvincing fish in the tank, and when they die, you would feel as bad as if you have lost a pet.

  5. Hey all,

    i got 8 adult Tiger barbs and 3 "teenage" ones. the teenage one came when i left the adults in the quarintine tank and transferred them to main tank, after few days these little fish appeared. i thought they were platyies initially, so ignored them and they still grew up to good size just eating algae of the tank. Now they hang around with their adult bunch happily in the main tank.

    Now I want to breed, and I dont know how to go about breeding tiger barbs. i have done the web search and tried putting a plumbish female and and a male in a seperate tank, but nothing happened.

    So this time i want to do it 'properly'. so any suggestions, links or guidance is appreciated.

    Thank you

  6. Hello all,

    All those people with big Tanks and side bracing; how do u manage to install the cannister filter inlet pipes and outlet pipes/sprinkler tidy with a 5 cm bracing running around the tank ( I dont have a hole anywhere to let the pipes through.I find it is a bit of a job to bend the tube around bracing. It also means i cant fix the pipes steady to the glass and it hangs in there cos Im using many suction tubes to hold the inlet pipe where it should be.

    Any suggestions to better it?

    Can put up a picture if it will explain my problem better, but I assume some of you woud have had the same trouble before!

  7. Tropical. 24 C.

    At the moment Im nipping off the oxy weed when ever it gets to the surface ( to about 2/3 of the height.).

    If you ask me what lights I got-I was having whatever the purple light that came originally with the fitting (2 of them) and 2 cool daylight white (6500K)( 30W time 4), and bit of non direct sunlight througha small widow which is right next to the tank. Since today I have taken off the original purple lighting and put on a Gro lux and a 3000K with the 2 daylight whites.

    Not into CO2..... yet....

    I dont know the names of the other plants. 6 other different kinds. 1 month since starting the tank.

  8. Make sense. Did bit of googling and found there is some confusion in the names used and there are other plants which are called oxygen weed. But even the other ones so described banned, looks very much similar to the ones I see in New Zealand!


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