Hi Everyone,
This is my first time keeping fish and my first time on this site. All is not well in my tank and I would really appreciate some help. I've just realised this is rather a lengthy post, so please bear with me.
I bought a second hand 100L tank, two 'sting-ray' type filters and an air pump with two air lines from a friend about a month ago. I got some gravel from the pet store (realise now I should have rinsed it before I put it in the tank) and new spongy filter elements as well. It all went in the tank with water I treated using AquaPlus. I had it all running for 3-4 days before introducing my five new goldfish buddies. The water became cloudy and remained so until I moved the filters to their correct position just below the surface (I had them on the bottom of the tank - my friend was surprised and said she thought a male should have known better). Anyway, the water cleared, everything looked good and my fish started to come to the surface to say "hello" when I went to look in on them.
A week or so later I got two more fish and all seemed well until a couple of days ago. I have been changing 20% of the water weekly (suctioning the gravel) and feeding no more than the fish can eat in a couple of minutes every day. I am aware of the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate cycle, and though I haven't tested the water, assumed the partial changes would take care of any problems. The tank is in my lounge and out of direct sunlight.
Now the reasons for my concern. My fish seem to have lost some of their glossy sheen and also have white spot. I've treated the tank with a broad spectrum fungicide (two orange capsules with yellow powdery contents I got from the pet store), but this is the least of my worries. The largest of my fish (about 12cm long) has developed red blemishes where the caudal, anal and pectoral fins meet the body, and also on the side of the body. Its fins are held flat against the body, and it often darts around and bashes itself into the gravel. It also seems to gasp often. At other times it is almost motionless, resting in an inclined position on one of the filters. There also appears to be some deterioration of the caudal fin at its V.
Another of my fish frequently lodges itself in an upright position between the filter and the side of the tank where it flaps away for hours. This behaviour is mimicked by the others who frequently congregate at the surface in one corner and thrash away, tumbling all over each other. Some of my fish have also lost a few of their scales. All of them have exhibited some of these symptoms at some time or an other.
I really like my fish and hate to see animals suffering, but if this is what I have to look foward to, I think I might get rid of the fish and take up knitting. It would be much less stressful. Can anyone help?
Thank you,