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    canada, toronto

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  1. akukny88


    Is there a cheaper way to get carbon? It is quite expensive to get it from the elfs. Thanks,
  2. Help: One of the discus is not eating. I am looking for metronidazole. Is the powder metronidazole and Fish Zole Metronidazole tablets the same thing? It seems the tablets are much much cheaper. Thanks.
  3. Did anyone try the recipe from Rocky Mountain Discus? http://www.rockymountaindiscus.com/Disc ... recipe.htm comments?
  4. Thank you for the responses. I finally talk to the store. They said that's normal for the kind of Discus I brought. It is not a disease. I guess I wasted a lot of money on the medi. Lucky I did not kill the fish. Thanks
  5. I have three discus with white patches on both side of gill. There is nothing wrong with the water. I have treated them with Kanaplex, pimaflex, coppersafe and now metronidazole. Nothing seems to work. Any ideas what else can be done? Thanks
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