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Everything posted by tesha

  1. tesha

    platty with tb

    got my hubby to dispose of fishy. He was laying sideways on bottom, breathing fast and not coming up to feed. Whatever he had it was happening really slowly. Other fish looking fine, I think. Things like this do seem to make me a bit paranoid though so watching them closely. Thanks for all your replys
  2. tesha

    kind of new

    aw cum on, let me take the credit for them starting fish keeping. lol Mts? isn't that multiple tank syndrome? unfortuntely we only have one each. doesn't mean to say most of us wouldn't want another tank though so suppose you could say we have Mts. Wot stands in my way is my hubby but I'm working on him, gotta do it slowly though or he'll cotton on. Yesterday i bought a new external filter and when i showed him i said dont' worry, it was half price and i got the next size up from what i needed just in case i get a larger tank. He thought that was very clever of me and so do i. My grandad has cancer. won't find out for a few weeks if it's terminal or not. Very sad but he's not actually that sick yet. The family are all trying to help out since he's one to be on the go non stop. All i can do is clean the fish tank. Poor fish hope they survive the change of care as he has routines to everything ie:cleans on wednesdays, fed 8am daily, and a treat of bloodworms on tuesday afternoon. He even gets the water to the right temp before refilling. i just guess. Haven't had any deaths so far though and it's been 4 weeks so can't be too bad. anyway last of all, how do i add emoticons??? oh and also land lubber was that fish shop redwood aquatics??? you've got me worried now that i'm missing out on a really good fish shop in belfast. might have to go for a drive and check.
  3. Sorry for your bad luck there, man am i glad i read this. had asked my lfs today what external filter they'd recommend me and she said the fluval. they were of course on special tho. i will check out the jebo adn others now since a few of you seem to swear by them. i did notice though that they themselves use the fluval. That has to say something.
  4. tesha

    kind of new

    Thanks for the welcome, first time ever to join something like this but good to know theres people out there that also feel so passionate about their fishies. I'm forever telling people the latest dramas of my tank and having them stand there going oh yeah with a glazed over look in their eyes. Have to admit i have inspired 2 friends and my granddad to take up fish keeping in the last year tho so there are some people that get it. Actually my granddad is a bit sick at the mo so i have been looking after his tank too. i actually don't mind though it's like having the 2nd tank i've always wanted but my husband will never let me have. Er... not meaning it's good hes sick. I didn't realise I was so lucky living in chch. Some of them definetely stand out from the rest tho, i have to say that. I will hopefully take some pics one day, don't promise it will be soon though. Well maybe, i do love taking pics but never had enough patience. Actually i've just realised that you can post pics so i'm just about to go and check out some other peoples fish and tank pics. bye for now tesha
  5. tesha

    platty with tb

    ahh yes, did forget to mention he has gotton rather thin in the short time i've had him. I've separated him tonight as after a clean he was lying lifeless on the bottom. Has since perked up but still has bent spine. Will keep you updated. i don't really have a hospital tank as such, just a little tank i slot in my big one and put an airstone filter in. That way i don't need an extra heater or light, hope thats ok. I will look closer next time i purchase fish. i must admit to going in and usually saying i want so many of this fish rather than choosing particular ones. i guess it would be the slower less strong ones that get caught first. A lesson learned, thanks again for your help.
  6. tesha

    platty with tb

    no his spine wasn't like that. only bent slightly in past few days. He did spent almost all time on the bottom when i bought him not that i noticed it when i chose him. he has such pretty colours so i really want to keep him but don't wanna risk him suddenly dissappearing which is what most of my fish who die usually do and i presume they are eaten. Thinking if it's tb i should remove him before that happens. I got him from what i would think was a good fish shop, does it mean if their fish have tb or diseases they are not good or can they sometimes not help it. Thanks for your reply, tesha
  7. tesha

    platty with tb

    hiya, i think my platty has tb, he has been sitting on the bottom since i bought him 3 weeks ago and now is having trouble swimming - maybe because his spine is slightly bent. He's still eating but spends the rest of his time at bottom under plants. never had a fish do that before. My questions are... 1 shall i euthanise him? If i don't will the others most definetely get it too? 2 will the one the same as him that i got from the same pet shop have tb too? 3 Will he breed with my other platties if i keep him?Not that bothered about that. 4 If he does breed or has already will the babies have tb too? Thanks for any replies. This tb thing is quite scary isn't it.
  8. tesha

    kind of new

    hiya, well i've been reading for a few years but finally have registered. thanks to you all for the helpful advice you've given me already through other peoples questions and answers and pre thank you for the future advice i'm sure you're about to give. ABOUT ME I'm from Christchurch, been enjoying my own tropicals for 3 or so years. Have 3 foot tank with 1 widowed angel lady and 2 red eyed tetras who have been with me since the beginning, 6 cherry barbs, 4 kuhli loaches who i hardly ever see, 1 red tail black shark and 4 platties one of which i sadly don't know if he will be with me much longer. look forward to hearing from you somewhere on this site soon. tesha
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