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    hamilton, new zealand
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  1. JDM

    Green water......

    So is it safe for me to assume that large water changes is the way to sort this problem?
  2. JDM

    Green water......

    It started green tinged and since I stopped the water changes (5 days now) I can't see the back wall of the tank anymore. The tank gets 10-20% water changes every week without fail, has been for years now. Perhaps I should increase the % changed per week?
  3. JDM

    Green water......

    Cheers man, I am going to try the filter wool over the filter intake, I will get back into water changes and start around the 60-80% for the first few then go from there.
  4. Hi all I have an Aquaone 120 tank (4ft) that is suffering from green water. Over the past month or so I have slowly changed things to try to correct this issue. I have not changed all of the filter media, allowing each change time to see if it corrects the issue. I am running noodles, filter wool (changed regularly) chemsorb (x2 bags). I have been doing 10-20% water changes every 3-4 days and some times more often up until this week where I have stopped everything to see if that helps it clear. It is not getting worse rapidly. The water I am using is filtered but not RODI, I have an RODI filter but have never had to use it in the 6 years this tank has been running. Feeding has not changed, food type is unchanged, stock in the tank is unchanged, water source is the same, stone are thoroughly cleaned. Tank is normally chrystal clear and regularly maintained. So is this a neutrent thing in the water that I am adding or could it be something else? I have lights running on the tank for around 9 hours a day and the tubes are very old, perhaps this is part of the problem? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  5. That looks great PP, looks like plenty of room for the colonies to grow out.
  6. keeping it ghetto bro, that's what i like to see, next thing i know you will paint all your corals Matt black and fit air bag suspension to you stand..... seriously though, your colors look good, bare bottom is working well for you. oh and the lighting color is ruining your photos, way to blue. other than that, top effort. seems like i might have to make a visit. :roll:
  7. JDM

    Wonderworld Rotorua

    Its a well set up shop, some of the advice i have recieved from there was not as good as there display set up. Defenatly worth a look if your passing through. I havent been in a while, might have to take the new toy for a road trip.
  8. i love that thumbs up smiley face wasp, he is awesome! :bounce:
  9. ohh yeah, snapped! you are so right, i even say good night to it! Sunday is going to be hectic but i will try to get out to see you, if not then i could make a special trip (hmm, that would mean i get to drive her again) so your drive way is sorted out now? that must make keeping the cars clean easier for you.
  10. cool, its good to have a plan, unlike me when i set up, i thought about 1k should do the trick, needless to say that was way off. $500 could buy you a good deltec second hand on trade me, i recommend keeping a look out.
  11. your gona what? geko who? man im sure there is something very strange in the auckland air tonight, your comming up with crazy ideas........ oh wait, it might be something in hamilton's air. sniff sniff sniff, nope defenatly auckland. so are we going to get some photos of this new red sea tank or will we have to take your word for it? or i could try to make time to come see you sunday, will you be around at say about, hmmmm some where between 8am and say 10ish.......pm that is.
  12. what?......where?.............when? how did this happen? not going to let this one get over run with algae are you?
  13. :shall i chime in here:? well, why not. I own a HOB style RO, it is rubbish, no better than the crap via-aqua one i replaced. I have modified this skimmer, its better than before but in my book going from worse than useless to useless is not a great thing. I have not had any first hand experience with the in sump models, most of which look well made, in fact i would say the build looks better than the price would allow. I agree with those that say get the best skimmer you can afford, remember to keep in mind this dose not mean the best RO skimmer you can afford but the best skimmer on the market for the money you want to spend. Pick a few skimmers in your price range a get some feed back from OWNERS who are not going to financially benefit from you buying that skimmer. People with real world experience are priceless in this decision. How much do you have to spend on your skimmer? this is an important question and i hope you don't mind me asking it, but it will assist those here to make suggestions on possible models to suit your needs, we will also need to know what size tank it will be on and a general over view of the plan for the tank.
  14. JDM

    fish pics

    excellent photos reef! how many 100s of photos did you take? with over a years worth of photos i have only managed to get 2 fish shots that are ok, neather resemble the quality of these. well done.
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